He got a hand-me-down iPhone because he’s poor, and has decided it’s better than no phone, but is sad it’s still a walled garden despite other people being rescued.
Yes I am, i bought to Apple fully know that it not allow side loading and happy with it. If I want side loading, I would switch to Android immediately and stop bitching about Apple. (Not that I said you bitching but alot of other people are doing it)
Enjoy your walled garden, you paid for it.
I got it for free. It used to be my Gran’s.
I don’t know how to interpret this comment
He got a hand-me-down iPhone because he’s poor, and has decided it’s better than no phone, but is sad it’s still a walled garden despite other people being rescued.
Is there a joke I’m missing?
Oh, I though we were talking about a physical garden
Gran is short for Grandma. Hope that helps clarify.
So how big is this garden?
not sure that was the problem
He saying he didn’t pay for the walled garden he’s now stuck in, he inhereted the iPhone.
When is a gift not a gift?
Ooh I know this one
When it’s a jar!
Yes I am, i bought to Apple fully know that it not allow side loading and happy with it. If I want side loading, I would switch to Android immediately and stop bitching about Apple. (Not that I said you bitching but alot of other people are doing it)