Trully question. I cannot be the only one who cries when listens music. I was the privellege to see my favourite artists live, but since last year, all lives I assisted on YouTube by Fred again… , I cry . Has been my favourite musician since last year. Almost all songs, for me, are amazing and give me a bunch of emotions.

    1 year ago

    This is a tough thread for me, am old dude who loves music but I don’t recognize 3/4 of what others have posted. I’ll have to check out some of it but it has been hard for me to find new bands I like. Songs Ohia is an example, but lots of them are too twangy, too folksy, or overuse auto tune.

    Anyways, to the question:

    • Cranberries - Zombie

    • Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Poor song

    • Simon and Garfunkel - The sound of silence

    • NIN - Hurt

    • Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats

    • Dolly Parton - Jolene

    • Annie Lennox - Don’t let it bring you down

    • cheesymoonshadow
      1 year ago

      Fellow old person here. For me it’s Fra Lippo Lippi - Beauty and Madness.

      Edit: also Suzy Bogguss - Letting Go

      I’m a big sap. 🥲