To me it feels like a matured Reddit. (At least most of the time 🙃)

    201 year ago

    I’m only here because of an unjust reddit ban, and I’m very sad to say that I still would prefer reddit to this. The shear scale of reddit means there was always something interesting me through the far more varied and active communities available there. Lemmy is great and all, but I feel way less engaged with anything going on

    I was active, and even a recognized name on some subs where I was particularly active, but here, those same communities are either woefully underpopulated and inactive, or just straight up don’t exist. When I need to ask questions or get a wide variety of opinions, or even share a story, I knew reddit had enough activity for me to get at least some traffic. Here, I haven’t even made a post

    Sorry, Lemmy, but we’re only together because reddit left. You’re my rebound

      81 year ago

      You should make a post, even if you don’t think it’s an amazing post. If you want to see more activity than get involved.

      I imagine reddit was this small and niche at one point in time and it only grew because people posted whatever they liked instead of waiting for someone else to do it.

      31 year ago

      Also here cause of an unjust ban (and because of the 3rd party app fiasco). I reported too many blatant advertisements as spam and got kicked out due to “report abuse”. But anyway, this is why I split my time between Lemmy and Imgur now. Imgur is no better than reddit (at least when it comes to 3rd party apps), but at least it helps fill a void.

      31 year ago

      yeah reddit is just simply too big to failed and with how confusing using lemmy for non tech savy, it makes people feel reluctant to switch

      21 year ago

      same, but got a new account on reddit that didn’t get banned (after first rediculous ban I couldn’t make new accounts without being autobanned) again so I spend more time there now. we shat on reddit a lot at the start but at least we can have actual discussions there that aren’t just calling each other fascists and tankies

        11 year ago

        How long did you wait until getting a new account? After my ban, I was getting my new accounts autobanned within minutes

          11 year ago

          I had the same problem and gave up. Then a few months later I built a new PC, and thought I’d give it a go. worked fine and has ever since. I guess they fingerprint your browser maybe, you might be able to try uninstalling and re-installing browser? All just to participate in some hobby subs!