• @LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      So the Romeo and Juliet references and the discussion of the love life of a chicken must not have given away my sarcasm haha

      It also appears FlyingSquid was making jokes as well. “It does for these eggs” was stated in the discussion by them.

      It is probably hard for people to pick up in text but is a cultural colloquilism I would say. Like saying “Not with that attitude” to someone who says an individual can’t throw a car over a fence with their bare hands.

      This whole thing seems like people took his jokes to seriously and thought of them as trolling.

        • @LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          … I have lived on a dirt road and raised chickens without any roosters. Keep going on thinking you are better than others you don’t understand, you sound like an ignorant asshole

          Edit: Also in case you don’t believe it still, here is an undedit response by me days ago in this post

          • @Dasus@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            It’s okay to make mistakes.

            No, I don’t care about where you’ve lived or what you’ve done. You said “the first day a chicken learns what love is is the first day they start producing eggs.”

            Which is even weirder if you’ve raised chickens.

            • So the chicken eggs aren’t usually fertilized part posted yesterday or what not wasn’t enough to convince you I believed they weren’t fertilized. Strange

              I hope you are having a a great day friend. I was having a shit one earlier. Sorry for saying you sounded like an asshole before

              • @Dasus@lemmy.world
                01 year ago

                “the first day a chicken learns what love is is the first day they start producing eggs.”

                So what did you mean by this, exactly?

                • @LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  We are discussing eating chickens and whether or not they were acceptable. So I made a joke about Romio and Juliet saying how a love starts and ends a production whether or not Romeo ever showed up. It wasnt a deep joke, just a reponse

                  • @Dasus@lemmy.world
                    11 year ago

                    whether or not Romeo ever showed up

                    Nah, you’re actually now backpedaling because you didn’t realise/remember and it makes no sense.

                    There’s no joke in “the first day a girl has sex, she starts menstruating”.

                    There was no joke. Nothing.

                    You just said dumb shit and you’re too proud admit to that

                    Why do idiots always cover their moronicity with “no… I was joking”?

                    I have an actual answer: the people who aren’t ashamed to go “oh whops, that’s true, I’ll correct that” actually end up learning things.