how is the value proposition here? was this an adequate use of money?

(keeping in mind as well fwiw i don’t eat meat)

  • juiceclaws
    651 year ago

    Take it from someone who knows vegetarian eating, this is a dangerously low amount of protein, and no those cheese slices do not cover it. I’d wager your daily protein macro is a single digit percentage (most sources suggest around 15-35% depending on exercise and lifestyle and all that). If this haul is your entire diet for the week and you’re not leaving out stuff you already have at home or something, I would strongly advise looking for more protein dense foods before protein deficiency starts to affect your well being. I’ve been there and it’s really not good.

      31 year ago

      Am currently there. Have started drinking Pea Protein shakes (to stay plant-based) quite often. But that would have bumped this shopping trip to $100

      • juiceclaws
        21 year ago

        Best of luck! It really sucks, and the worst part is it’s hard to notice at first, and easily written off as working too much or something until you realize you’re doing it to yourself. I’ve heard good things about pea protein but sadly it’s not really a thing in my country yet so I haven’t had a chance to try it.

        Anyway, whey powder can be pretty cheap these days (they have cheese so dairy isn’t a restriction), and there are enough duplicates in this picture that they could cut a couple things and keep the same price point if the budget is tight.

          21 year ago

          Yeah, the crazy thing is reflecting back, now that I have recent bloodwork showing just how low my protein levels are. I was totally attributing the lethargy to stress from work. I mean, I was stressed (have since changed jobs), and started having panic attacks, but who’s to say that wasn’t exacerbated by an unbalanced diet. I feel soooo much better, and more energized, now that I’m getting the right amount of protein.

          Pea protein is great, and the same price here as whey. I actually like the unflavored taste, too. I just mix it with water.

          It is kinda an extra expense tho, since it’s not necessarily replacing meals. Still eating lunch & dinner, just adding shakes in between. But absolutely worth it!

      11 year ago

      Assuming this is representative of everything OP has to eat in the time frame these were purchased for. They might have meats in the freezer, dried/canned beans, etc. that these items will be paired with.

          21 year ago

          Yeah, missed that, however my point still stands. This could be more just component items for longer term shelf life stuff, and snacks. They still could have beans, lentils, rice, etc at home and these things are just to make specific meals through the week or whatever.