At least 157 people were killed and 270 were injured last year in unintentional shootings by children, according to Everytown, an advocacy group for firearm safety.

  • This is completely correct.

    What’s funny is, banning guns is only going to take them away from responsible gun owners.

    Gangbangers in cities are still going to have their guns. But now someone on a farm who needs it for their protection isn’t going to be allowed to have one? That’s a load of bullshit and why gun control legislation exists solely to distract useful idiots from the real problems they face.

      41 year ago

      I’m a firm believer in addressing and correcting the underlying causes of violence rather than removing the tools. For instance, Chicago had a violence intervention program a few years back, and it was having a noticeable impact on rates of violence. It was targeting at-risk kids, and helping them get their shit together. And so, predictably, the city cut the funding for it.