Advancing Web standards to empower individuals and groups.

Curious what others think of this? This was linked in Tim Berners-Lee’s open letter on the state of the web at 35yrs.

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    41 year ago

    I agree that relying solely on grassroots is bad; larger groups of people are specially hard to coordinate towards common goals. However, as mentioned there’s more than grassroots backing Solid up. And, even for the Fediverse, it seems that Mastodon caught some positive attention of government entities, like Switzerland.

    So, perhaps that’s a bit of wishful thinking, but the teeth might eventually grow, even if they aren’t there from the start.

    Regarding your example: it’s tricky for me to talk about USA’s government because I’m not from USA. For me the main issue seems to be the use of winner-take-all representation perpetuating the two-parties system; if that’s correct you’d need more than just a social movement to have a third party, you’d need structural changes. [Don’t trust what I said here, please. From the outside, details are always lost.]

      1 year ago

      You’re correct about the election system. Because we use a winner-take-all first-past-the-post (who came up with that name?) system, any vote for a third party weakens the position of whichever of the two main parties you would’ve otherwise voted for, and has an impossibly small chance to elect your chosen candidate, so it basically just works against your own interests.