Fuck’s sake.

  • @BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.worldOP
    281 year ago

    Very good summary. I’ve never seen anyone do it outside of YouTube but someone added me to a snake handling church Facebook group for the laughs and they have some videos of them doing it.

    • DdCno1
      201 year ago

      Those insane snake handling churches that routinely have people bitten?

      • @BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.worldOP
        181 year ago

        Yeah the group is a riot. Lots of them have died of snakebite and yet they persist.

        There’s a great book about it called Salvation on Sand Mountain that I highly recommend.

        • Flying Squid
          131 year ago

          I’d say that’s to their credit.

          Don’t get me wrong, they’re completely nuts, but at least they’re consistent. Anyone who gets bitten doesn’t have enough faith. Period.

          • Aniki 🌱🌿
            211 months ago

            Wait so if I never bother to test myself because I’m not a pond-drinking moron, does that mean I have enough faith?

            • Flying Squid
              711 months ago

              I’m not saying it isn’t silly, but it comes from a specific passage in Mark 16-

              16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

              17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

              18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

              So Big J, who’s also Big G, says that if you believe, you’ll be able to walk around with snakes and drink poison and survive.

              They’re not so big on the poison drinking, admittedly.

    • @TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
      151 year ago

      I grew up in a branch of the Pentecostal Church (not the snake handlers). Even as a kid I thought it was fucking wild that people did that.

      My favorite times were when people were “overcome by the spirit” or whatever and they’d stand up to get attention and speak in tongues (same people every fucking week) and this crazy old woman would stand up and “interpret” what those folks were saying. Listen, Birdie, I’m pretty sure that if there is a god he doesn’t speak solely in King James English.

      • @Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
        1511 months ago

        I tried to speak in tongues when I was young. Somebody told me to just babble, so I did. Then I stopped because I knew I was just faking it. Some lady gushed, “what a beautiful prayer language!”

        And then I knew they couldn’t tell the difference. Thats how I began questioning what I was taught. Wish it still didn’t take me so long after that.

        • @TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
          611 months ago

          You got lucky then. I think most of the ones doing it either want to sound important or don’t want to feel left out so they’re faking, but a bunch of folks get swept up in something like mass hysteria and really think they did it. You see that a bunch in things like teen conferences where there’s just a load of kids swept up in a feeling.

          Those folks are the true believers. They may fake it later but they really feel like they did something that first time and they would do anything trying to get that feeling back.

      • Flying Squid
        311 months ago

        The “interpretations,” based on what my wife (who grew up in an Assembly of God church) has told me always seem to be things you would normally hear in church anyway- Jesus loves you, have faith in God, pray hard and good things will happen, etc.

        • @TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
          311 months ago

          Mostly, yeah. That whole “Good things will happen” was a LOT of it where I grew up. It was vague prophecies akin to what a fortune teller would tell you as long as you kept the faith or whatever.

          Sometimes there was some hellfire and brimstone mixed into the “prophecy”, but I think that’s just because I was in an area where that was popular.