Here’s my immediate-term roadmap for this instance:

  1. Establish more formal site-wide Code of Conduct
  2. Define Creative Commons licensing for content
  3. Build some bots for our mods!

A bit longer, but still short-term:

  1. Establish an organization to run this instance
  2. Create a way for this org to collect donations to lesson server cost burden

And starting now/soon but moving into the medium term:

  1. Refactor infrastructure to ensure durability and stability
  2. Start and/or contribute to open-sourced projects related to lemmy mod-tooling, bots, and wikis

Maybe not surprisingly, I’m actually off to the park in a few minutes to toss a baseball around with some friends but I’ll be back this afternoon to work on these tasks!

Please comment your thoughts on the roadmap. Am I missing anything? Is there anything you’d like to see me focus on? Do you want to contribute?

  • @ItzWorm
    1 year ago

    Just want to say I’m impressed with what’s been built so far and that based on that alone this could end up being a legitimate place to move all sports related subreddits to.

    Attempting to contribute by getting a fantasy football community going. But definitely going to need some bots (or users!) to feed a regular supply of content, and mod bots for helping with that side of things too (in the medium to long term). Seems that the majority of user on this local are MLB fans, but I’m hopeful the others can fill out if people end up abandoning reddit.

    How possible is it to have the posting behavior be such that it scrapes the main picture from a linked website? Manually adding an image isn’t too onerous, but it would be nice to have that automated. (Not sure if this is a platform issue or community based script/code issue)

    • Fanaticus OneOPMA
      1 year ago

      But definitely going to need some bots (or users!) to feed a regular supply of content

      I am working on a game-day bot now!

      How possible is it to have the posting behavior be such that it scrapes the main picture from a linked website? Manually adding an image isn’t too onerous, but it would be nice to have that automated. (Not sure if this is a platform issue or community based script/code issue)

      That’s a great question. If I were to guess I would say that is a platform-related, not community-related feature request. If you’re a programmer you can submit a PR to the repo here.