Nintendo is literally a depressing company right now…

    • UnhappyCamper
      2111 months ago

      I was recently thinking about buying a Switch since I wanted to play a couple Nintendo games, but after this most recent bit of bullshit they’re pulling, in conjunction to all their other bullying, im not buying another Nintendo product again. Why would I support this shit company.

        711 months ago

        I skipped the new Zelda for this kind of shit.

        I have owned every title since the late 80s, purchased limited edition games when possible, limited consoles, etc.

        I’m done.

        It bums me out. This wasn’t hurting Nintendo. It isn’t like someone will load up Garry’s Mod and decide, “well, gee wiz, I guess I don’t ever have to buy a Nintendo title again!” It wasn’t hurting them at all.

        This move right here has cemented it for me. I am done with Nintendo. I have purchased every console they’ve ever made in my lifetime, stating when my parents got me the NES. I won’t be buying any more. I’ll find something else for my children to grow up with and later be nostalgic about.

        11 months ago

        Just get a Steam Deck, install EmuDeck, and run Ryujinx or Yuzu. It runs like a dream on the SD. Like it literally runs better than the actual Switch, with options like unlocked frame rates, mods, and cheats.

        I say this as someone who owns two Switches: Just get a Steam Deck instead.

    • Druid
      11 months ago

      Question for those that do: do you also pirate indie games? I am also inclined to just pirate Nintendo games as I already do on my 2DS, but I’d kinda feel bad about not giving money to actually good developers like Supergiant Games

      Edit: Not sure about the downvotes. I’m asking a genuine question

        211 months ago

        Most indie games are priced properly. I buy a lot of my titles, but Nintendo has a bad habit of never dropping the price of their titles.

          211 months ago

          Piracy is a literally victimless crime. Definitely support indie devs if you can afford it, but no one should feel guilty for downloading and running software.

            111 months ago

            I never said it was, hell I was one of the biggest pirates in my college, literally ran a NAS on the local network of everything that I had, which at the time was a few TBs of stuff, which in todays terms would have been hundreds of TBs. Myself and a few others supplied basically the entire college with everything you could get at the time…hell even one of us hosted some of the expensive ass books for a lot of the courses.

        • Druid
          111 months ago

          Yea no doubt. Do you usually buy games on sale or full retail price?

            311 months ago

            Depends, most indie games are properly priced, but a lot i will get on sale or through bundles. The amount of games out these days is crazy. My backlog is to the point that I’m sure I’ll have died before i play through them all.