Nintendo is literally a depressing company right now…

  • Jo Miran
    8711 months ago

    There are very few companies that are able to reach my only if used or stolen classification. Nintendo has managed to reach the not even if used or stolen classification.

    • HEXN3T
      3911 months ago

      Yeah, I have Nestle marked as “die before using their products”.

      2511 months ago

      I started emulating Switch this year and played Breath of the Wild for the first time on Yuzu through with 130 hours. And I’m proud of it.

    5611 months ago

    I dream of one day Nintendo going bankrupt and being forced to sell their IPs to the highest bidder.

      1111 months ago

      Which to Nintendo, wouldn’t matter a bit.

      The assholes managing these megacorps are in it for the buck. When they squeeze the final scraps of profit, they go do it somewhere else, having padded their bank accounts and their resume with tales of how they are able to extract maximum returns…

    • Honestly, I think we are entering an era where via a prompt you will be able to ask AI to make you any experience, show, game, book, VR, song etc etc. I say this as someone who is a VR developer and knows my days are numbered. So are Nintendo’s.

    • UnhappyCamper
      2111 months ago

      I was recently thinking about buying a Switch since I wanted to play a couple Nintendo games, but after this most recent bit of bullshit they’re pulling, in conjunction to all their other bullying, im not buying another Nintendo product again. Why would I support this shit company.

        711 months ago

        I skipped the new Zelda for this kind of shit.

        I have owned every title since the late 80s, purchased limited edition games when possible, limited consoles, etc.

        I’m done.

        It bums me out. This wasn’t hurting Nintendo. It isn’t like someone will load up Garry’s Mod and decide, “well, gee wiz, I guess I don’t ever have to buy a Nintendo title again!” It wasn’t hurting them at all.

        This move right here has cemented it for me. I am done with Nintendo. I have purchased every console they’ve ever made in my lifetime, stating when my parents got me the NES. I won’t be buying any more. I’ll find something else for my children to grow up with and later be nostalgic about.

        11 months ago

        Just get a Steam Deck, install EmuDeck, and run Ryujinx or Yuzu. It runs like a dream on the SD. Like it literally runs better than the actual Switch, with options like unlocked frame rates, mods, and cheats.

        I say this as someone who owns two Switches: Just get a Steam Deck instead.

    • Druid
      11 months ago

      Question for those that do: do you also pirate indie games? I am also inclined to just pirate Nintendo games as I already do on my 2DS, but I’d kinda feel bad about not giving money to actually good developers like Supergiant Games

      Edit: Not sure about the downvotes. I’m asking a genuine question

        211 months ago

        Most indie games are priced properly. I buy a lot of my titles, but Nintendo has a bad habit of never dropping the price of their titles.

          211 months ago

          Piracy is a literally victimless crime. Definitely support indie devs if you can afford it, but no one should feel guilty for downloading and running software.

            111 months ago

            I never said it was, hell I was one of the biggest pirates in my college, literally ran a NAS on the local network of everything that I had, which at the time was a few TBs of stuff, which in todays terms would have been hundreds of TBs. Myself and a few others supplied basically the entire college with everything you could get at the time…hell even one of us hosted some of the expensive ass books for a lot of the courses.

        • Druid
          111 months ago

          Yea no doubt. Do you usually buy games on sale or full retail price?

            311 months ago

            Depends, most indie games are properly priced, but a lot i will get on sale or through bundles. The amount of games out these days is crazy. My backlog is to the point that I’m sure I’ll have died before i play through them all.

  • Stern
    3911 months ago

    It’s Nintendo. I’m not shocked it happened… just that it took this long. Its fairly common hear about some fangame or mod via gaming news, and then two weeks later see the headline, “Legend of Mariotroid has been DMCA’d”

    • sickday
      4111 months ago

      I’ve just assumed they don’t care. They’ve done scummy shit for years, and it doesn’t really matter because they’ll still sell massive amounts of their first-party titles. So any bad faith they garner with a subset of their audience or old fans is just dust in the wind since it won’t ultimately impact sales.

        11 months ago

        Oh, it VERY much will hurt their sales, just not this quarter. Though in ten years when Nintendo is wondering why they’re struggling to grow a new fan base, they might remember all the people they pissed off who now are not introducing their children to Nintendo.

        • Dude for every one of us there are 19 others that will introduce the children.

          Same view as those thinking Reddit would die when we all came here.

          I like to make the choices I do on moral grounds, not hoping for death to a company, it’s how I sleep at night. Does me never shopping on Amazon affect them? Nope. Do I feel better for not giving them my money. Yes.

          All we can do is be the best person we want and nothing more.

            -111 months ago

            It does affect tgem. Why do you think companies insist on enshittification? They’re not ALL just greedy fucking suits.

            They get burned by making shitty decisions, so why are you deciding to turn down the heat? Fucking pathetic.

              11 months ago

              Enshittification isn’t because people are not using their services. It’s because the growth isn’t happening at the rates they’re used to so they can either spend more money improving the product, or make it shit for the current customers to make more money.

              They are all greedy suits as growth is the only metric they’re interested in.

              That aside I’m not entirely sure what point you’re trying to make here fam.

          111 months ago

          Nintendo first party IP alone can carry them through, not to mention the national pride Japan has towards their success. Western Sales are nice, but I don’t think they put as much attention into them.

      211 months ago

      I haven’t played on my Switch or really touched in in a few months now, since around the Yuzu news. I’m too disgusted by them to want to do it, and shortly before that, I had decided to mod it and not buy their games again. Now I’m 100% certain I’m going to do that. If I really want to give money to some indie game I like, I’ll buy it on Steam.

      6111 months ago

      God that makes me feel old. Yeah, Garry’s Mod is literally named that because it’s his mod. He started making it as a teen, released it for free for a long time, and then leveraged it into a job and company (FacePunch, they also made Rust a lot later).

      I think Garry’s Mod 10 was the first paid release, and he and his team have just been updating the paid version since.

      The game’s official site used to just be his blog, and I believe he still posts semi-regularly about game development, running a company, and life stuff. Always seemed to be a real stand up guy.

        1711 months ago

        Or fan game developer. Or data miner. Or gaming youtuber. Or game tournament staff. Or the former actors of their various official “news” video segments. Or former American contractors for them (lots of “fun” stories from the 90’s and 00’s).

        And how can we forget? Their 11th hour backstabbing of Sony on the planned CD addon for the SNES, choosing instead to go with Phillips to make the CD-i, is the whole reason Sony even entered the console wars. Out of fucking spite. The Playstation was originally planned to be a SNES addon like the Sega CD.

        So I guess that’s one upside to their shittyness.

        • kbin_space_program
          711 months ago

          This. Look at their recent move against the Smash Bros tournament scene.

          Look at their love/hate relationship with Splatoon and how their lies and abuse have killed off a once vibrant community and budding e-sport that at one point had several major tournaments.

          11 months ago

          Emuparadise just got cold feet after another one bit the dust, it’s why they are still up, just not hosting roms.

    1311 months ago

    It’s hilariously pathetic that a bunch of lawyers convinced the people at Nintendo to waste their time doing this shit.

    There is zero percent overlap between janky Garry’s mod custom assets with Nintendo sales of their polished AAA games except to probably drive sales of Nintendo games to a degree.

        11 months ago

        Yeah probably but literally that is so fucking insulting to me that companies/copyright behave this way, the human brain is extraordinarily complex, the idea that seeing a character recreated in a sandbox by a 3rd party modder could “warp” my thinking about Nintendo characters or games is basically a slap in the face by Nintendo.

        Like… if you see a dumb meme with Mario in it, do you think “huh, maybe I shouldn’t buy Nintendo games, Mario is tarnished forever for me” …?. No, and what makes me think that is *this bullshit. I will never give Nintendo money because of the way they behave like this.

        I mean I have a steam deck so I have no reason to get a switch or anything so whatever no big loss.

          911 months ago

          Nintendo’s one of the few game businesses you can be confident that their E content is okay for children. Many other businesses are using in game advertising, inappropriate content and predatory gambling in game purchases.

          So it’s of great value to Nintendo to control their content and IP. Because the impression of children and parents are important to them.

          Because children are exposed and familiar with Nintendo IP other people can (deliberately or not) use it to influence them. These children are unlikely to understand this is parody or see the irony in it.

            811 months ago

            If your child is too young to understand parody or irony (or just get that when you say “somebody copied your favorite character and is using them in a way that isn’t genuine to the character”) why the hell are they being exposed to…. Garry’s Mod?

            None of this makes any sense.

            11 months ago

            Ok, the intelligence of the most average person I know is still plenty intelligent. I don’t only know geniuses or something, it’s just I don’t feel like the normal human beings I encounter on a daily basis are deficient in intelligence. What makes people awful is usually their beliefs not their intelligence.

            The human brain is FARRRRR too powerful of a biological adaption to get manipulated so transparently in this way by imagery in one context with imagery in another. It is an absurd ask to say that people would be “dumb” enough for their brains to do this and no except in neurodiverse cases (which is cool!) the human brain doesn’t work like this.

              711 months ago

              Going to second the other response to you.

              Please come back after you’ve worked in any customer service position interacting with the general populace. Plenty of smart folks out there, but just as many people that absolutely are not.

              It’s a known fact that Wii U sales suffered to a significant degree because people thought it was an addon to the Wii, not a new thing. There are a lot of other issues with it, but that is a knowm factor found by market research.

                311 months ago

                also to further back the statement, it wasnt because wiiu games were bad, in fact most of the wiiu games ported to switch are top sellers, so no one can make the claim it was a game quality issue.

                211 months ago

                Please come back after you’ve worked in any customer service position interacting with the general populace. Plenty of smart folks out there, but just as many people that absolutely are not.

                I have, people are enraging sometimes but also people are fucking stressed as hell these days, I think overall people try to get along as best they can, even when working customer service where you meet insane people and need to rant about them after work because it breaks your brain how stupid they are from your perspective…. but that is life, a lot of people are hurting at least in my country (US). I don’t blame people for falling apart or making stupid choices because they don’t have the energy or alacrity left in their bodies after work to function.

                Yeah there are assholes, I am not some naive fool who trusts everybody, but I am sorry I just aggressively don’t agree with this endlessly repetitive narrative that the average person is a lazy, dumb piece of shit. I know people like that, but the real ones, who could have lived a much easier life but chose to be an asshole just because, are actually pretty rare.

                Plenty of people are landscapes of trauma (like me) even just from the trauma of always being stressed about money, and I just don’t feel like when that pushes people to do stupid irrational things that that really is an indicator those people were stupid, morally deficient or lacking in industriousness.

              11 months ago

              What’s your areas testing and graduation rates….? Average IQ? I know that’s not the best metric, but we need something here.

              Because that sounds like a wonderful fairytale place to live.

              This is done, because this a very common issue with people… you seriously want to bury your head in the sand on this one….?

                11 months ago

                It doesn’t matter where you live, we are all the same species of animal and the brain in our skull that we like to lament as stupid when we make general statements about the intelligence of the public around us is an extraordinary thing.

                I get people’s cynicism and I am kind of annoyed people think I live in a fairytale lol, I just see humans around me trying to live their lives and being mediocre humans…. and the intelligence of mediocre humans is nothing to dismiss.

                People are smart as fuck, conservative and hateful ideologies do make people behave like idiots but I mean I don’t fault the human brain for getting brainworms when the brainworms are firehoused (one might say trickling down at a rapid rate) at everyone by the wealthiest people in the world 24/7.

                Also yo are you seriously looking for me to give you the average IQ of the population around me? This feels like two steps from getting out calipers and measuring people’s skulls to determine their intelligence. I agree, let’s NOT stick our heads in the sand.

                  111 months ago

                  You said they are intelligent, so what are you basing that off of than? The only real tangible thing is IQ, so yes it is a fine metric in that case.

                  You’re in sciences it seems, so you would be around people with supposedly higher intelligence, but at the same time… damn can they be dumb, mislabeling chemicals, thinking if they drive with the top down they can’t get sunburn since the rays can’t hit them…. Yeah smart people are dumb too, some barely pass while other fly. So there is a large discrepancy right there. Yet you are clumping them all into the same “intelligent” category.

                  Thats obviously extremely disingenuous, but you’re not going to see this are you?

        -311 months ago

        You also lose the trademarks you don’t defend. If Nintendo was found to knowingly not pursue those that infringe in their trademarks then they a court could allow someone else to use that trademark.

          11 months ago

          Nintendo game out hot at the start when people were referring to other consoles as “Nintendos” even though they weren’t NES’ or SNES’. Theres plenty of precedence already then why they had to stop that immediately.

            211 months ago

            They weren’t people or organisations they could sue.

            If Sony said the new Nintendo system playstation, Nintendo would lose trademark rights over this. Because a large business like valve is involved they can sue and are compelled to sue to retain their trademark.

            The emulator that recently got taken down was because an organisation was developing and distributing it. Individuals that copy and share the source code themselves won’t get any threats from Nintendo because they don’t need to find and sue them. Nintendo had to sue these other businesses, to retain their trademark.

              11 months ago

              The problem stems from the subtle ways in which language develops. It’s instinctive for us to pluralise product names in everyday conversation (Oreos, Jet Skis) or turn them into verbs (to photoshop, to tarmac). But by doing so we begin to erode the trademark. Companies can, from the outset, encourage us to use an alternative generic name; sometimes this works (Nintendo pushing the term “games console”), sometimes it almost works (Xerox’s fondness for the term “photocopying”), and sometimes it fails miserably (who has ever referred to the once-trademarked trampoline as a “rebound tumbler”?)

              Nintendo had to start calling their stuff “game consoles” so their name wouldn’t be genericized to refer to all consoles. Its not always about sueing others. Theres lots of avenues they need to protect and they knew they needed to defend it from the start.

          -111 months ago

          Let’s not pretend that the law somehow requires Nintendo to threaten and bully Garry’s Mod, because that just isn’t the case.

    611 months ago

    Do GMod servers work at all with 3rd party asset providers, or does everything have to come from the Workshop?

  • haui
    29 months ago

    I am amazed at how evil a company can be. Well, if pirating any company‘s content was ever morally justified, its nintendo‘s.