Always love when self agrandized authorities act like idiots. Feels like the box wine wins wine competition article.

I have a friend that does photo competitions. They say winning is more about knowing the judges than anything else.

      252 years ago

      It definitely will be. Thousands of sci-fi writers warned us, but noooooo humanity has ZERO self-restraint. We’re already as good as gone, and not just because of AI. Climate mutilation, insatiable list for wealth at the expense of everyone, combined with AI. We are already as good as extinct. Fate accompli.

    • Em Adespoton
      92 years ago

      It’ll be our undoing in the same way that coke, cotton gin, the mechanical loom and transistors were our undoing; an extremely disruptive technology that will cause generations of upheaval and suffering before a new balance is found and something else is disrupting the balance.