• @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
            -510 months ago

            lol! I’m not a fascist. I swear. 😆

            It was really sad to be dumped in 2009 by my fiancé when he realized we were never going to conceive together. I miss him every day, but he over on. He married a woman who was rh+. I guess he got what he wanted in life. I’m not being some fascist who thinks only certain people should breed. I’m trying to let people know that certain people can’t breed together. Meanwhile, my distant cousin thinks he some sort of saint, or stork, who has been passing through people’s marriages, without invitation. I love my kids. I just don’t love being misled and then raped.

    • Anas
      510 months ago

      Wow, this snuck in just in time to be the stupidest lemmy comment I’ve read in my first year on the site!

      Women who are Rh- definitely give birth to Rh+ babies, otherwise Anti-D prophylaxis wouldn’t be done to prevent the very dangerous interaction of the two blood types in case of bleeding.

      • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I’m 35 years old, married an O+ man and did not have babies with him. Why did my distant cousin, who is O- rape me in my sleep to make my babies, if my husband and I would have eventually conceived? And why was my family okay with that happening to me, unless it was about blood type compatibility? Was my husband sterile BEFORE his vasectomy (which he had years later, after my kids were born)? If he was sterile, he never would have needed the vasectomy. I’m pretty sure he now has kids of his own with a woman who is rh+. He wasn’t abstinent while separated from me, during those years we spent apart, after I was raped. Oh, I guess my ex boyfriend that I dated before I met my husband happened to be sterile? The guys I dated after splitting from my husband must be sterile, huh?

        If you really believe my view on it is wrong, please conduct a longitudinal study to prove otherwise. DNA is relatively new, and studies that might have been conducted in past decades might not have dna tested the children to prove paternity. Please, prove me wrong. Conduct a study and present it with dna evidence after any children are born from it.

          • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            No, I’m just stating the fact from my own, one-person study. Sorry it didn’t contain 30 or more rh- women that were randomly selected to avoid bias and produce a large enough sample.

            If I didn’t have any morals, I could make it a betting game over blood type compatibility, in some place like Vegas. Rh+ guys would lose a lot of money one month, or less, after taking a bet that they could knock up an rh- woman. Sorry to break everyone’s contorted view of “it’s 2024, anything can be possible now”, but I’m just stating the facts. My babies are always pale and O-. Take it up with whatever God you do, or do not believe made the human race.

              • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
                -110 months ago

                Why would I want to ruin hope for the younger generation, right? Let them date, or even marry. You’ll see a bunch of Ed Hardy’s, anti-love merch, and t-shirts that say FAAFO, becoming popular again. You’ll see groups of people suddenly moving to new states with no explanation as to why, and all the social media accounts featuring pictures of totally different people on them than what they used to display in the profile pictures. I’m sure there was no reason for all of that in the past, though.

                  • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
                    110 months ago

                    I don’t drive a panel van. Also, my sentences are long, but they aren’t technically run on sentences. I do t think I have ever had a grammar program highlight my writing for containing run on sentences.

                    My apologies if you’re trying to frame a white woman as a pedo just because you don’t like her view on a subject. That’s a really low attempt to attack someone. The father of my children is older than I am, and so is my husband. I hope you’re never threatened with framing just because an internet bully disagrees with you.

        • @NocturnalMorning@lemmy.world
          510 months ago

          Why did my distant cousin, who is O- rape me in my sleep to make my babies, if my husband and I would have eventually conceived? And why was my family okay with that happening to me, unless it was about blood type compatibility?

          Have you talked to somebody you trust about this, maybe a therapist? Sounds like you have some trauma to work through.

          It can get better, I promise.

          • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            What I’d like to do is have my children take the ancestry dna test and show that they link to that distant cousin. Then I would like to have everyone attend therapy. Yes, I have been through therapy. My parents are in denial and insist that my children were made by my husband. He has no interest in them, hasn’t spoken to them since 2017, never asked for visitation, and even produced baby pictures from a family photo album to show everyone how different he looked when compared to my kids as toddlers. They still insist that he is their dad. I didn’t bother to ask him for child support in our divorce documents. Their biological dad owes us all a new life. He owes me missed moments of motherhood with my kids because I had to work so many hours to provide for my children, with just my own income. My husband refused to contribute to my children. If it was an expense for the kids, and it wasn’t some present he felt he had to buy for a holiday amongst family, then he refused to pay. I don’t blame him. He isn’t related to my children at all!

        • Anas
          310 months ago

          First of all, I’m so sorry.

          Second, I see your n=1 study and I raise you another n=1 study, I’m Rh positive, so is my father, but my mother is Rh negative.

          If you want to go against science, it’s up to you to perform the actual studies.

          • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
            -110 months ago

            Please get a dna test between you and your mother. She might be your stepmother. Also, buy Eldon cards for both of you, as well. Make sure you both were correctly typed as the blood type you think you are.

            • Anas
              110 months ago

              That’s… not how it works? I’m not sure if you’re trolling, and I’m not sure it would make the situation better at all.

              • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
                110 months ago

                Have you conducted your own research? Remember that time Japan released videos of their adaptive tech suit? It actually looked more like a blanket than a suit. It was quickly wiped from YouTube, or at least I haven’t been able to find those videos again. The government will insist that such technology doesn’t exist, until you remind them that they have covered some of their Navy jets with panels of it.

                I don’t want to create a mass panic, so I won’t talk about blood type compatibility in public. Let the next generation find out amongst each other. It won’t matter for the AB+ women. If the world contained only AB+ women, my comments would be irrelevant.

                • Anas
                  210 months ago

                  It would be a massive coincidence to discover that every single blood test that revealed that an Rh+ mother gave birth to an Rh- child was false, since 1939 when the Rh factor was discovered, don’t you think?

                  Or that every single government in the world agreed to cover it up, for whatever reason?

        • @evergreen@lemmy.world
          310 months ago

          I’m just going to be blunt here and say this reads like a paranoid schizo rant. I think you should seek mental healthcare while you still can. Seriously.

          • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            Uh oh, I’m talking about blood types and its effects on breeding. Time to frame me as mental and lock me up, huh? Let me know when you make an rh- kid, assuming you’re rh+. I’ll be impressed and change my views. Honestly, just provide proof of your blood type and the fact the kid is actually yours by dna. I will be happy to apologize. I just require proof.

    • @NocturnalMorning@lemmy.world
      210 months ago

      What even are you talking about? Absolutely nobody is trying to silence you when it comes to blood type compatibility with partners. You’re seriously projecting right now.

      • @ParabolicMotion@lemmy.world
        -110 months ago

        You can’t see the removed, past, comments and posts that I have made about this subject. I had people telling me to get raped, telling me to go f_ myself, reporting my comments and posts as racists, and attacking me through DMs. I have had to remove my past comments and posts because they truly upset people. The sad part is, you’ll see people posting about ghosts, paranormal, and other BS topics. I’m trying to explain what happened to me personally in relationships with rh+ men, and I get attacked. I have proof that there was never a baby with any rh+ man with whom I had a relationship, but people still want to insist that rh- women can have rh+ babies. Show me one with dna evidence that the rh+ child is hers, and I’ll be quiet. Otherwise, I’ll just sit back in horror as people bully and attack my point, while they move along to go promote some BS paranormal activity idiot in another area of Lemmy.