• @ceenote@lemmy.world
    2709 months ago

    I was gonna say she’s too young, but apparently she’d turn 35 about a month before the election. A president who’s barely old enough… What a nice change of pace that would be.

      • @4am@lemm.ee
        589 months ago

        The idea is to have some experience in politics in lower positions before taking on the hot seat.

        • @stoly@lemmy.world
          139 months ago

          You were an experienced master or your craft at the age of 35 all the way 250 years ago. People made it to their 80s but your life expectancy was much lower. Basically 35 was the perfect age.

          What we need is an amendment to make this reflect modern life.

              • @Asafum@feddit.nl
                9 months ago

                Yeah… As it stands right now our first priority needs to be eliminating the ultra wealthys influence otherwise that amendment will be changed to “all non-wealthy debtors, convicted criminals, and the unemployed can be used as slaves.”

          • AutistoMephisto
            9 months ago

            You were an experienced master or your craft at the age of 35

            Yep. Gotta figure someone who’s 35 has been around the block, seen some things, knows some things, the office of POTUS doesn’t seem like one you should be able to run for right out of high school. Oh, but imagine if we could. I’m sure it would be hilarious to put a high school graduate in office. Especially a Gen Z kid lmao.

        • @Freefall@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          I’d support (HALF median life expectancy ±15 years determine at the start of the election year). Gives you a middleing generation so the extremes are not super underrepresented and it makes sure they have some life under their belt.

          Edit: added “HALF”

          • AngryMob
            39 months ago

            Yeah no. Look at what those numbers would actually be. Median is 70-80 depending on country and sex. I dont want a 95 year old president when they enter office… And 55 as a minimum is far beyond “life under their belt”

            • @Freefall@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              Oh I meant half the median life expectancy. My brain didn’t brain good as I typed it out. So 40ish ±15 in your example. Even ±10 would be fine.

      • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        199 months ago

        True. There’s this fun quirk of US law, though, that makes ageism against young people completely fine and dandy!

        You can discriminate against people for being young all you want. That’s the Gerontocracy in action…

        • @Furbag@lemmy.world
          159 months ago

          Absolutely. Housing crisis in full swing here and yet 55+ communities are somehow still legal. Infuriating that it works to the benefit of the old fucks by earmarking plenty of available units for only them, but when the young people want to get rid of it so they can have a shot at property ownership too, suddenly you’re an ageist.

        • @Beaver@lemmy.ca
          129 months ago

          And some old people lash out at me for stating the system is unfair. They need to learn to pass the torch.

      • @solrize@lemmy.world
        19 months ago

        Then the fully-developed brain is just 9 years old when the person is 35! Should the requirement be higher? Semi-kidding.

      • @Cosmicomical@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Ah, so that’s why as we all know everyone above 26 is perfectly adult and competent

        Edit: My point was not very evident but that study is not as clear as people thinks it is on the fact that brains are fully developed at 25. They probably keep developing for much longer. But it’s not an excuse to exclude people from politics

    • Ebby
      -109 months ago

      WOW, that would skip an entire generation from presidential representation. I’m sick of voting for geriatrics but to jump straight to someone younger … I still would but ouch.

      The march of time is steady towards the sounds of that waterfall. We’re fucked.

        • Ebby
          69 months ago

          Yes. But generations has different views and priorities from one to the other. For example boomers see the world as they remember and hang on to what they know, but that policy isn’t working anymore.

          I, for one, am concerned retirement won’t exist by the time I get too old to work. Our current candidates don’t need to give a crap about that. They’ll die before that becomes an issue.

          Boomers had a good run, and did a lot of damage. Younger generations are doing a lot of fix-its; that’s commendable. Mine was called lazy, ignored, and I would really like for it to not be passed over. I don’t have a lot of time left to hope things start getting better from a generation that seems to do rash, illogical things to justify logical conclusions.

          I just want us to have a chance to shine in the sun.

          • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            generations has different views and priorities from one to the other.

            Yes, but Gen X and millennials also have a shitload of views and priorities IN COMMON.

            As far as I can tell, there’s a much smaller political difference between 35 and 55 than 55 and 75.

            That might not always been the case, but since boomers and that sneaky “silent generation” (Biden, Trump, Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein. Schumer is just barely too young to qualify) have been fucking over ALL subsequent generations for decades, we’re pretty much in the same leaky boat now.

      • @ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
        539 months ago

        Old people just finished destroying the environment and AOC just filed articles of impeachment against sitting SCOTUS justices. She is rising to the occasion and deserves your support.

        • Ebby
          129 months ago

          She is rising to the occasion and deserves your support.

          And she does, like I already said above.

      • @MsPenguinette@lemmy.world
        359 months ago

        At this point, I think us millenials as an entire generation should agree to just hand the keys directly over to Gen Z. I think it’s probably good policy to do the exact opposite of whatever the boomers have done.

        • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          99 months ago

          Nah, don’t punish AOC and other brilliant millennials for what the boomers did.

          Also, let Gen Z live a little before you give them a gilded cage in Washington.

          They’re already kicking more ass protesting and otherwise organizing for justice to bypass Washington better than most of us ever did.

        • Ebby
          19 months ago

          Yeah I get it. And it may go that way.

          I just don’t want to get sick, lose my retirement savings to medical debt, have social security run out, and wind up homeless like things seem to be headed.

          • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            69 months ago

            All of those things are things millennials worry about too. Except most of us don’t have any savings to lose even though a lot of us are in our 40s now.

        • @stoly@lemmy.world
          -19 months ago

          I’m 48 but mentor university students by the dozen. Even Millennials are dinosaurs compared to Gen Z. Everyone older needs to STFU and GTFO.

        • @makyo@lemmy.world
          59 months ago

          Hey you can’t stay the least worst generation if everyone is thinking about you all the time

        • @Soup@lemmy.world
          19 months ago

          Well they did kinda just allow all the boomer shit to keep going. They allowed themselves to be forgotten by sucking up to the generation before.

          My dad’s like that, if we’re acting like single family members are important. He still falls for the same old bullshit and despite being a software engineer he has that same old pre-internet attitude. He had enough success in his life that he could insulate himself from having to acknowledge just how bad things are today.

          Gen X obviously had some good in there just like the boomers did but they just haven’t proven themselves to be up with the times enough to be effective in the modern world that came basically out of nowhere, faster than the change in generations could follow. As a generation they just don’t have the skills or experience to act like they’re owed a turn. Anyone who thinks they’re entitled to run a fucking country just because it’s their “turn” doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near that kind of power.

          • ronalicious
            169 months ago

            there was never enough of genX to get anything done, and there likely won’t be. boomers are still holding on to positions of power (eg Biden), and the millennial gen is bigger than genX as well.

            • SSTF
              69 months ago

              Joe Biden isn’t even a Boomer. He’s older than them.

          • @Stovetop@lemmy.world
            129 months ago

            I feel like this describes the “upper 50%” of any generation, though.

            I’m a millennial, and myself and plenty other millennials I know are still riding the struggle bus. But it’s easy to pop on social media and see people you went to school with in photos with their happy families and big houses and nice cars that they earned from their successful corporate jobs, because those jobs still exist for anyone who has connections.

            And it is millennials by-and-large who are responsible for the neocon movement that helped put Trump in power, fashy groups like the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or whatever other flavor of the month domestic terrorism group, all of the “free speech absolutists” you see on Twitter and Reddit, and Silicon Valley techbros who pretend to be progressive in service to the almighty dollar.

            No generation is free from bad eggs, because eventually enough people kowtow to the ideological apparati of the ruling class and perpetuate the endless cycle of “haves” vs “have nots”.

          • @stoly@lemmy.world
            79 months ago

            Allow? Did you notice that most boomers still haven’t retired? Gen X and Millennials were never allowed space to exist, it’s been nonstop boomers since the late 1940s.

      • @FrostyTheDoo@lemmy.world
        39 months ago

        The generation in between is the one that keeps electing geriatrics. They either didn’t want the job or they weren’t bold enough to kick their parents into the passenger seat. I say we skip them.

      • @takeda@lemmy.world
        39 months ago

        Obama a bit disrupted the process of getting young blood in DNC, while trump did the same thing in GOP.