Some supporters of Joe Biden have been accused of being “Blue MAGA” for their staunch defense of the president in the wake of the CNN debate.

While there is no official definition for the term, Blue MAGA has been used to describe those who are fierce advocates of the so-called “vote blue no matter who” initiative and are not willing to criticize Democrats in any way.

The term has reemerged on social media in the wake of 81-year-old Biden’s languishing and stumbling debate performance against Donald Trump on June 27. This has led to many, including Democrat figures, calling on Biden to end his 2024 campaign in order to allow a new candidate to face-off against 78-year-old Trump in November.

    9 months ago

    Oh I vote blue no matter who but I still criticize them.

    But when republicans start siding with a man-child, rapist, racist, conman, child rapist, sociopathic, fascist, narcissistic traitor just so they can push through more bullshit laws for money that won’t help Americans whatsoever, you kinda only have one option unless you want to see America fail in real time.

    Even if they weren’t still supporting that monster, they have been constantly lying about everything for a while now. Can’t trust those people at all.

    Republicans vote straight red because their propaganda has vilified Democrats for 70+ years and lies to them about nearly everything. Democrats vote blue because they see exactly how ridiculous republicans have become.