That sting was run back in May by Millersville Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor and a colorful cast of characters he assembled for the operation.

Among the revelations, the recordings show:

  • Taylor did not involve other law enforcement agencies with more experience in such operations because of his unfounded conspiracy theories that prominent state officials are involved in child sex trafficking.
  • Members of a private group posed online as minors — despite Millersville police being told by prosecutors that the sting would be legal only if sworn law enforcement officers were the ones doing the work.
  • Shawn Taylor told one operative that investigators would be using “pre-signed search warrants,” which would likely be illegal, according to experts.
  • Police arrested one suspect then, when he refused to talk to investigators, they turned him over to the private group for questioning.
  • A Millersville detective boasted that the suspect was being taken to a jail where it was likely that he might not come out alive.

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    9 months ago

    Why would you want dissemination of truth in the hands of the department of “order over justice”? They’ve been fucking us for decades just like the other two branches of governance. These journalist are risking their lives for truth. I trust them much more than any politician.

      39 months ago

      That’s why it’s a CC, not just letting them sit on the information themselves. If we know they have the information, and they know we know, then pressure to conduct a criminal investigation vastly increases.

        9 months ago

        You’ve the wrong agency responsible for investigation, I think.

        I’m talking about Truth and Justice the principles. I trust these journalists to serve us more effectively than any government agency despite their lack of authority.

            8 months ago

            We the People, just as they’ve been doing. No one else gives a fuck about our best interests. Why ask for some assholes to get involved. We’d do just fine taking care of this one on our own.

              18 months ago

              So what then? You just want to read about it and be mad? Nothing else? No arrests, no trials, no accountability?

                08 months ago

                Arrests and trials rarely lead to accountability, particularly for law enforcement. If you want order then call the government. If you want justice then pick up your rifle. No agency gives a fuck about us.

                    -28 months ago

                    You’ll sing a different song when I’m reinforcing the picket line that matters. It’s all good with neolibs until someone’s willing to do something meaningful.