My tools serve me, not the other way around. It’s not worth the time and effort to wash by hand or sharpen on a whetstone. I don’t need an expensive knife to cook at home. A pull through sharpener and honing steel are adequate. Get the right material and you don’t have to worry about the metal in the dishwasher.

  • Annoyed_🦀
    258 months ago

    My tools serve me, not the other way around

    Legit take. Why buy extremely expensive knife just to babysit it? Just get an okay knife and sharpen it once in a while whether by whetstone or grinder, and knife doesn’t need to be razor sharp to function nicely.

    Unless OP is getting a few thousand dollar japanese hand-crafted chef knife and then run it with dish washer and knife grinder, then i’d say it’s sensible.

    Another one is cast iron pan, i’ve seen tons of people teaching others to use it and then proceed to explain it in such convoluted way that’s basically babying the thing. It’s indestructible, guys, you don’t need to season it everytime before and after use.

      98 months ago

      knife doesn’t need to be razor sharp to function nicely

      No, but if it’s not razor sharp after sharpening then it wasn’t sharpened properly and it’ll be dull again in a week. Properly apexed edge with the burr removed stays razor sharp for months. Improperly sharpened knife cuts well for a week because you’re cutting with the burr but after it bends you’ve got to resharpen it again.

      68 months ago

      I have some expensive ass knifes and i started to realise that i don’t use them too often just because they were expensive. My favourite knife is a victorinox knife that i sniped for 10 dollars. Second to that is a spiderco for 23 dollars. Both really good knifes

      • Scratch
        48 months ago

        Every kitchen should have a workhorse set of Victorinox, imo. Get a fancy knife to compliment that, if you like.

    • partial_accumen
      18 months ago

      I was surprised to find that Dawn dish soap doesn’t seem to have any negative effects on my cast iron skillet which gets near daily use.

        38 months ago

        The reason people used to not use soap on cast iron skillets is because soap used to have lye in it which would strip the seasoning from the skillet, most dish soap today does not contain lye and should be used to help properly clean the cast iron.

        Also whenever I am helping someone with a new cast iron I always tell them not to worry too much about ruining the seasoning, because I have tried to strip a skillet of its seasoning completely by hand and it was so hard to get it all off