So… if the backend gets moved over to Wordpress, and Wordpress can already federate, I guess this means Tumblr is coming to the fediverse? 😮

    327 months ago

    Right? At this point I’m just sticking with WordPress because I can’t be bothered to migrate a bunch of sites off of it. Every year for the past decade it’s felt jankier. Tumblr’s backend has to be a dumpster fire for this to seem like a good idea.

    My criticism aside, WP still has the convenience factor of being the open source web platform that has a plugin for just about any need. Whether those plugins are gonna break for site or introduce interesting new vulnerabilities is a different discussion.

    • Flamekebab
      67 months ago

      Same boat here. I had some good times with it but these days it seems to be a bloated mess. Are there any good, lightweight alternatives these days?

        • Flamekebab
          47 months ago

          I suppose what I’m looking for is a lightweight, multi-user CMS, with support for both static pages and a blog. If the blog could support (at least one-way) federation that’d be a bonus. It should ideally be built to work with both desktop and mobile devices (so that I can customise the look rather than build it from scratch).

          It’s something I could build from scratch but if I can do it then I’m sure lots of more skilled people have done it better!

            • Flamekebab
              27 months ago

              I suppose at some point I should learn Node.js and other JS-related stuff. I speak vanilla JS but I’ve not really touched frameworks. Anyway, thank you for the recommendation.

            37 months ago

            Wordpress is all of those except lightweight, though I wouldn’t really say it’s a bear to manage either. I believe they have initial activitypub support as well.

            You can check the selfhosted list for alternatives, but I don’t think I’ve seen one that would be a better fit.

            • Flamekebab
              27 months ago

              I mostly find the design of WP clunky as all hell. I’d like to add some features to my site and doing so feels tremendously awkward. Learning how to implement stuff in their way of doing things doesn’t feel worthwhile to me, I guess.

          • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
            37 months ago

            There are Fediverse blog platforms but, as this is about Tumblr, what about a Fediverse tumbleblog? You’ve got:

            • Wafrn
            • Loforo: “Another surprise is that Loforo is the second most active ActivityPub blog platform in the Fediverse, behind only WordPress.”
            • Goblin - mentioned in the previous article. It’s a FireFish fork from a former Tumblr employee.
        57 months ago

        I’ve been looking off and on for a few months, but it seems like there aren’t many options anymore like there were 20 years ago. A couple I’ve found are FlatPress and WriteFreely, but I haven’t tried any yet.

    • AmbiguousProps
      57 months ago

      You’re not alone, I’ve still got clients with WP sites and it feels more and more patchworky every time I use it. The vulnerabilities may keep me up at night, but it would take a ton of effort to move them over, and my clients certainly don’t want to pay for that.

        47 months ago

        I see this all the time. People complain about WP but think the alternatives are better, when they’re just trading problems for others.

        WP core is stable AF. I’ve shared in many prior comments how I spend so many more dev hours fixing other CMSes over WP.

        And if you don’t even need a CMS, fuck it all and switch to static hosting and markdown.

        • AmbiguousProps
          27 months ago

          Oh yeah, for sure. Joomla still haunts my dreams.

          All of my own sites are static because it’s easy for me to modify. But my clients need something a bit more user friendly, unfortunately.