• ThePowerOfGeek
    27 months ago

    She should smuggle a little whiteboard and a dry erase marker onto the stage. And strike a line on the whiteboard each time he lies. If Trump can use a marker during an official presidential event to clumsily (and incompetently) predict where a hurricane will hit, she should be able to use in during a debate.

    Sure the board would be full within a few minutes. But at least this way she’d have a better way of showing the volume of lies he spews.

    Plus it would drive him fucking insane, which would be hilarious to watch.

    • Em Adespoton
      37 months ago

      That’s why there’s a “no props” rule.

      And the no mic rule means she can’t call him on them in real time.

      Is there a rule stating she can’t have an earpiece and a team feeding her information though?