Credit Andy Singer 2024

  • Flax
    46 months ago

    That’s very interesting - I never thought of it as being anti-semetic, but it makes a bit of sense. As a Christian and from a theological standpoint, I don’t see how a bunch of people descended from the ones who rejected Jesus forming a new country which they call “Israel” should be interpreted as being the same as the Biblical Israel. For all they care, they see us as heretics. Why should we see them as different from the likes of Muslims, cultural (but not) christians, atheists, etc. (Also before you think I’m saying we should hate these groups, I’m not, I actually kind of mean the opposite). I believe the temple’s destruction in AD 70 and the construction of the Dome on the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque 600 year’s later is an intentional thing about the old covenant being gone. I just don’t see why “christian zionism” is even a thing when the Bible is interpreted as a whole.

      16 months ago

      Adi Callai, an Israeli, has a great video about how Zionism has weaponized antisemitism. He goes into the history in reference to Christianity at 29:01