Thoughts on Michael Moore’s suggestion for a Harris/Whitmer ticket?

  • John Richard
    -18 months ago

    You’re not going to beat Trump but handing the nomination to Kamala. She needs to earn it & if there are challengers then she needs to show she is a stronger candidate.

      • John Richard
        -18 months ago

        Rightfully so… if the DNC thinks just changing the face but acting the same they did in 2016 and what got them to Biden having to drop out, then they’ll lose again… and they’ll do what they always do, blame their own voters – the 66%+ that said Biden should step aside.

    • smnwcj
      08 months ago

      The value of holding av real primary. Sadly that boat sailed. Having delegates hand pick a candidate without any voter input opens the process to undue influence from party politics.

      Kamala was at least chosen by the people as a VP. Can’t say the same for most of the randos throwing their hat in

      • John Richard
        -18 months ago

        The boat hasn’t sailed. I’m calling it now. If they coronate Harris without any process to show she’s earned it. If they ignore voices of alternatives and just hand it to her thinking black people will vote for her just cause of her skin color & women will vote for her just because of her gender, then their plan is to have Harris lose & blame the 66% of voters that said he should step aside.