Mel Nichols, a 37-year-old bartender in Phoenix, Arizona, takes home anywhere from $30 to $50 an hour with tips included. But the uncertainty of how much she’s going to make on a daily basis is a constant source of stress.

“For every good day, there’s three bad days,” said Nichols, who has been in the service industry since she was a teenager. “You have no security when it comes to knowing how much you’re going to make.”

The amount tipped workers make varies by state. Fourteen states pay the federal minimum, or just above $2 an hour for tipped workers and $7 an hour for non-tipped workers.

    65 months ago

    I’ve read on other social platforms from wait staff that they would prefer tips to a living wage because they can make so much more with tips than without.

    I’ve cut my dining out significantly recently because with the recent hike in restaurant prices, plus the minimum 20% tax tip, dining out is unaffordable.

    Also, during covid I became an incredible cook.

    • The tipping system really just obfuscates the exploitation.

      Employees have rights. Foregoing your right to be paid a fair wage in exchange for the chance to make a little more than a fair wage some times just seems bat shit crazy.

      5 months ago

      If they make more with tips, then they don’t get to complain when somebody doesn’t tip them.

      plus the minimum 20% tax tip

      Where are you eating that has a 20% minimum tip? I’ve only seen stuff like that for big groups.

        55 months ago

        I should have specified … minimum “suggested” tip. Like when they specify that 20% is added foe groups or if they calculate it for you on the receipt and it shows 20, 22 and 25% or at the terminals at the table the 3 options start at 20. I feel guilty for doing custom and selecting less.

          25 months ago

          I always have to do custom. It’s shitty, but I’m not going to lunch to subsidize someone’s pay, I just want a sandwich.