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(written in 2003) Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism.

  • @Brkdncr@lemmy.world
    95 months ago

    Here is the source of the content, since the original source is down:


    Hallmarks of a Fascist Regime By Skip Stone Posted on Hippy.com 12/8/2002

    One leader who has nearly absolute control of government, despite pretense otherwise. There is no effective opposition to his policies.

    All opposition held in check through various overt and covert means (although they go thru the motions of being an opposition).

    Limited public debate about policies.

    Control over media. Media only reports what government allows it to report. Covert Censorship.

    Rigged Elections

    Constant appeals to Patriotism with lots of flag waving. Flags and/or images of the Leader appear everywhere. Those who don’t follow along are singled out and ridiculed.

    Vocal Opponents end up dead under mysterious circumstances (Like Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Paul Wellstone for example)

    Leader passes laws giving himself even more powers

    Controls the masses through Fear Mongering

    Scapegoating. Certain class of people blamed for the problems the leader faces, justifying new laws and military actions.

    Must have an ongoing war to keep people’s minds off how fucked their own government is.

    No real policy to improve the lives of the average person.

    Leader surrounded only by trusted friends and business people who profit handsomely.

    Most actions favor insiders, friends and Corporate entities at the expense of the people. Laws that monitor and control business practices are removed.

    Constantly preaching morality to the masses (to cover their own immoral actions)

    Government involved in numerous illegal activities, all kept secret through various means.

    Violates, disrespects or refuses to agree to World Conventions on Human Rights, international norms of conduct, and other laws. All manner of excuses offered.

    Spy agencies given broad new powers and funding.

    Government increases covert activities against its own citizens. Citizens are urged to spy on citizens.

    Many civil liberties restricted or suspended.

    An incredible amount of blood is spilled, with no obvious benefit except to those in power.

    Does ANY of this sound familiar where you live?

    Then YOU’RE LIVING under Fascism!

    Some well known fascists:

    Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Marcos, Saddam Hussein, Noriega, Suharto, Sukarno, Pinochet, Milosovich, Bush

    Please note at one time or another most of these people were either trained or supported by the US government and had numerous business dealings with US corporations.