This is VOICE MESSAGE we’re talking about, not calls nor chats. You can already block calls from non contacts and create a folder to only show chats from your contact.
How many voice message spams have you received that you feel like this is a deal breaker and how is Signal an appropriate alternative in this regard, when it doesn’t even have as many privacy options including this one?
I’d understand paying for an active feature, like to SEND voice messages, but not having to pay to restrict spam sent my way.
This is VOICE MESSAGE we’re talking about, not calls nor chats. You can already block calls from non contacts and create a folder to only show chats from your contact.
How many voice message spams have you received that you feel like this is a deal breaker and how is Signal an appropriate alternative in this regard, when it doesn’t even have as many privacy options including this one?
But spam pays the bills?