    5 months ago

    I don’t fully understand it, but they restructured it and now E don’t have a reduction clause or something. The longer we wait, the more it functionally costs to fire him. Explained here. The cost is still likely too high, which is tragic, and it’s really going to suck cause yeah, the university is kinda broke rn. We’re like…between $30-$50 million in debt. Gordon Gee ran some asinine Sunnyside revitalization project and purchased a ton of land and houses, destroyed them, and built up student housing. Now we’re expected to lose about 5k students, and one of the bigger factors in attracting students (partying, for better or worse), has been killed. We used to be the place for people to go to party and maybe learn something. Now we’re just another state school for people to maybe learn something at.

    And I have 0 idea of who we’d go after. Stupid people say Jimbo (he couldn’t win with infinite budget and the best recruits, so how is he going to fare better here?). Others say Rich Rod (lightning won’t strike twice). We just got burned by a small school hire. Rumors are that we may be kicking around the Saban tree, so some of his coordinators may be in line. However, even with that, we’re a pit stop school for most coaches. With success, they’ll leave to the B10 or SEC.

    • g0d0fm15ch13fM
      25 months ago

      Silly, but personally important question: How do you feel about Kiffin? Even with recent success I think Ole Miss is a lowerer teir SEC school. And as we’re starting to see, portal heavy teams are hit or miss. Plus Kiffin has been known to drop to less prestigious positions before (that was a sick burn for any trojans hiding among us). I’m just saying that he might be worth it for y’all if Ole Miss gets fed up with missing out on Saban’s power vaccuum.

      • CMLVIOP
        5 months ago

        Nothing one way or another. He’d definitely help with our reputation a bit, recruits well, and has shown he’s good offensively. He’d get a good portion of control if he has us contending for conference championships somewhat steadily, which given the current B12, we absolutely should be, if not every few years at least. Problem is, idk if we can afford him. He’s 2.5x as expensive as Neal, at a university so cash strapped they’ve cut education departments and are still heavily struggling. I’d be surprised if they allow a leash that long. His staff will be more expensive, he’ll likely have minimum facilities expectations. And with on field success the money would likely be there, but our problems outweigh football revenue currently.

        I’d personally be tentatively excited for him, as he’s just Dana 2.0 with some actual HC success, but I’m not super privy of all the options.