Some of the many species Jeffrey Combs has evolved into:

  • BougieBirdie
    255 months ago

    You don’t expect Herbert West: Reanimator to be the voice of reason… yet here we are

    What a funky timeline

    • Flying SquidOPM
      195 months ago

      I actually had the pleasure of working with him on a motion comic project once (which sadly never got finished) and this is 100% him. He’s a very cool guy in person and this is exactly the sort of thing I would have expected him to say, although maybe not directly to Matt Walsh.

      He’s also a massive Radiohead fan. I’m not, so I mostly just sat there and listened when he gushed about them at lunch after hearing them on the radio in my car. Thankfully, the other people with us knew more about Radiohead than I did.

      He also said one of the funniest things I’ve heard a pro like him say in a work setting, talking about a movie role he was offered: “I’ll do it for $1000, but not if the script is shit.”

      • BougieBirdie
        125 months ago

        That last bit sounds like him. That’s how you end up with the fun roles, like the talking mould that grows on somebody’s toilet.

        • Flying SquidOPM
          105 months ago

          That last bit sounds like him.

          That’s what made it so funny. He’ll do pretty much anything if he likes the idea. Just pay him scale and he’s up for it. But don’t offer him $1000 and expect him to do magic with your terrible screenplay.