
Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed he was “physically mauled” by a demon in his sleep, leaving claw marks on his body, which he says are still visible. Carlson described waking with intense pain, bleeding claw marks, and an overwhelming urge to read the Bible. He recounted the experience as confusing yet transformative, adding that while he doesn’t expect others to believe him, the incident profoundly impacted him.

  • Rhaedas
    925 months ago

    I watched that video, and had he just stuck to being suddenly awake and having claw marks I would have thought there was something odd. But he led with having four dogs in the bed, so when he said he had claw marks…dear lord, he’s either trying too hard to play to some niche audience, or he’s really that stupid. At least make the story sound plausible…we know you can lie, why didn’t you just leave off some details here to sell it better.

    • Billiam
      875 months ago

      Ever since he got kicked off Fox, he’s been making the pivot to the hard right audience, which includes the narrative that they’re in a spiritual war against the literal devil.

      It’s the same conspiracy-laden bullshit that Alex Jones pushes.

      • Rhaedas
        625 months ago

        It’s Jon Stewart’s fault. Tucker never recovered from that jab about the bow tie.

        • Billiam
          -235 months ago

          And we got Trump cause Obama roasted him so hard he was afraid no one would think he was white anymore.

          Maybe ridiculing fascists isn’t the best way to treat them.

              45 months ago

              i don’t understand how lemmy works. this meme obviously suggest killing fascists, which is in fact, the correct answer. but if i say “we should kill fascists” they’ll delete my comment. WTF? say it in a meme, because that’s somehow, different?

            • Billiam
              -45 months ago

              Yeah, I don’t know when “Trump ran for president because he was so thoroughly emasculated by Obama” and “You can’t shame the shameless out of fascism” became such hot takes.

                5 months ago

                You can shame them, just not for anything they should feel shamed about. Jabs about very facile facets of their masculinity? shamed. Dragged through the ringer because they are rapists? No shame.

          • theprogressivist
            5 months ago

            Ridiculing Fascists is the best way to treat them. They’re fragile little snowflakes and can not handle being the butt of the joke. Why do you think aside from journalists and politicians, comedians also get censored or imprisoned first when fascists take over?

            • Billiam
              105 months ago

              So the problem with Trump is that he’s not being ridiculed enough? The orange-skinned, diaper wearing, wispy-pube-haired, tiny hands, mushroom dick, broke-ass billionaire wanna-be, so cheap he won’t even bother to have his suits tailored, neck-gina, “dumbest goddamn student I ever had”, can’t drink water, nuke hurricanes, salutes North Korean generals, paper towel throwing, bleach-drinking, UV light up the asshole, bigliest, yugliest, covfefe bunker bitch will go away if we just make fun of him?

              If you think you can stop the fascist by calling him Mango Mussolini or Agolf Shitler more, fucking go for it. Comedians get imprisoned by fascists because they hurt their feelings- but that doesn’t stop fascism, or else they wouldn’t have ended up in prison.

            65 months ago

            Right, Trump’s fragile ego voted him into office 🤨

            There are a lot of contributing factors. Obama making fun of him might have seen him run for office, but without all the enablers along the way carrying him on he would have collapsed a few steps in, fucked off to go eat a gourmet Happy Meal and told himself (and anyone in earshot) how brave and strong he is for running in the first place.

            Ridicule may have lit the fuse, but the powder was there long before.

        225 months ago

        Bowties are cool.

        The bowtie wasn’t the problem.

        It’s the person that makes it uncool.

        I’d argue that the fact that he stopped wearing the bowties when he was mocked for it says more about him than the bowties do.

        • chingadera
          105 months ago

          It absolutely does. Jon knew it would have to be something low to get under his skin and he was right.

          5 months ago

          My dad wore a bowtie, looked very cool with it, and he also made a comment about people like Carlson: “you wish you could buy the son of a bitch for what he’s worth, then sell him for what he thinks he’s worth.”

      85 months ago

      I bet it’s deliberate. Like a power play knowing his story is clearly bullshit but the morons he’s appealing to are believing it making him feel even more superior.