Green politicians from across Europe on Friday called on U.S. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein to withdraw from the race for the White House and endorse Democrat Kamala Harris instead.

“We are clear that Kamala Harris is the only candidate who can block Donald Trump and his anti-democratic, authoritarian policies from the White House,” Green parties from countries including Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia, Belgium, Spain, Poland and Ukraine said in a statement, which was shared with POLITICO ahead of publication

    5 months ago

    Trump fomented anti-muslim sentiment and literally passed a travel ban against Muslim countries.

    The RNC completely rolled over for Trump in ways far worse than the DNC snubbing Berny.

    Harris is not pro-genocide no matter how many times you say it. You make it out like decades of gloves on diplomacy with Israel is suddenly her fault.

    Trump is open to letting Israel do whatever it wants and while in office stroked tensions between Israel and Palestine several times.

    To blow off the fact that she would be the first woman president and to trivialize her to a token representative speaks a lot about your mindset.

    If Jill Stein endorses Harris knowing she is the only remotely pro-climate candidate that could win then perhaps she isn’t the piece of shit everyone says she is. I won’t hold my breath waiting.

    One side is climate change denialists and the other isn’t. Two sides of the same coin right?

      5 months ago

      To blow off the fact that she would be the first woman president and to trivialize her to a token representative speaks a lot about your mindset

      let me detail out the “tokens” here. do know that i am of indian origin as well.

      • immigrant : her mother comes from a upper caste rich family, harris grandfather was a officer in imperial service while many indians were being killed and jailed during its independence struggles. an upper caste privilege in india was worse than white privilege in US at that time. her mother was able to come here as an entitlement. so when dnc uses her as a symbol for immigrant struggles it irks a lot of indian’s whose parents have to escape india because of corruption and casteism and had to work hard to get here and survive in early days.

      and then there is her advocating for border wall and getting tough on immigration so basically adopting trump policy from 2016.

      • as a non-white she doesn’t seem very empathetic to them : this is an article from 2020 in herrald when she was already chosen as vp over warren (a woman) because lobbyist and mega-rich donors told bidden not to. if not for that she would never even gotten to be a dnc candidate here in 2024. warren was 3rd in the primaries way ahead if harris. warren today would have won by a landslide today and she has already called out on the genocide.

      so yes she is a token candidate from establishment.

      i am not even going to address other points as i am not voting or supporting gop. if a vp and presidential nominee don’t not even have power of condemning mass killing of children with our money then what’s the point of voting for them. choosing lesser evils never works it only brings more evil as we saw in 2020.

      then there are stunts like this which confirms to me that she is just a lobbyists placeholder.