
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that a Trump administration would prioritize removing fluoride from public water systems, a position at odds with major health organizations like the CDC, the American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, all of which endorse water fluoridation as safe and beneficial for dental health.

Despite Kennedy’s controversial stance on health and environmental issues, which includes previously debunked claims linking vaccines to autism, Trump has praised his passion, stating that Kennedy would have significant freedom to influence health policy if Trump were elected.

    185 months ago

    Seriously? The bit from Dr.Strangelove? I mean, it’s not terribly surprising anymore but I still wish we could get these fucks on some stupid theory that kills them more directly and immediately so they take less of the rest of us with them.

      5 months ago

      It was a John Birch Society talking point at one time. It was condemned as a communist conspiracy. Of course. Just like civil rights are a communist conspiracy.

      Anyway. A few years ago I discovered that my home town newspaper had digitized all the old issues and made them searchable online. I decided to search for family members.

      Found my dad mentioned in a report of a hearing on fluoridation. He was talking about it being a communist plot.


      I just listened to this episode of revisionist history recently. If you aren’t familiar with the beginnings of the shit show we’re living in, you might find it interesting and/or horrifying.