I was recently on a vacation in Marseille, and I was really taken by the mayo there. This was often served with frites. Does anyone know a brand I could get in the west coast US that would be similar?

The main difference I noticed was a slight tang to it? Not sure how to describe it better. Hopefully someone has had it. 😅

  • Binzy_Boi
    45 months ago

    You can make mayonnaise with relative ease at home using a blender or food processor. If you can figure out the name of the specific type of mayonnaise, it would likely be easier to make it from scratch than finding it ready-made at the store.

    I’m making a few assumptions here ofc, but the main downside that comes to mind is how long it’d keep for, as you wouldn’t have much if any preservatives in the homemade product, though can’t say I’m experienced with that at all to properly comment.