I was recently on a vacation in Marseille, and I was really taken by the mayo there. This was often served with frites. Does anyone know a brand I could get in the west coast US that would be similar?

The main difference I noticed was a slight tang to it? Not sure how to describe it better. Hopefully someone has had it. 😅

  • Chef_Boyargee
    5 months ago

    Absolutely seconding making one’s own mayo. I do keep Duke’s mayo in the fridge for ease of use though. Busy with kindergartner/shift work/etc. Duke’s has a decent acidic zing that a lot of the other brands don’t have (imo)

    Edit to add, some folks will even use pickle juice in lieu of their vinegar. Don’t be afraid to use different types of vinegar as well. I like to use apple cider vinegar or legit Spanish sherry vinegar when I’m feeling fancy.