This is not my personal opinion, I know Gen Z men who voted for Harris. But the voter demographics really speak for themselves, and maybe now people will look at the radicalization of young men as a serious (but solvable) issue.

    595 months ago

    I can see why some young men might feel like the Democratic party is prioritizing women’s issues over those affecting men, especially young men. In fact, it might seem like the Democratic party is not only indifferent to struggling young men, but hostile to them. I can understand why someone might not want to vote for a party that thinks of them as deplorable, pathetic losers.

      5 months ago

      Issues affecting young women:

      1. Rapes aren’t prosecuted
      2. Government forced births
      3. Bleeding out in a parking lot
      4. Widespread misogyny

      Issues affecting young men:

      1. Girls won’t put out
      2. There aren’t enough pickup trucks
      3. Joe Rogan is being victimized by jews
      4. Germ theory and masks or something

      How exactly can a political party address what is for men essentially a collection of toxic culture issues?

        1365 months ago

        Issues affecting young men:

        1. Rape reports are ignored and not taken seriously
        2. Not trained in the tools to deal with mental health and emotions
        3. High expectation to make money but low job prospects
        4. Jerks trivializing the fact that men have real concerns because OtHeRs HaVe It WoRsE.

        It should be empathy for all. Asshat.

        • @sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyzOP
          675 months ago

          Your list is the issues that men are actually facing, but what OP posted is what the clout chasing “alpha influencers” tout as “men’s actual problems”.

          For everyone’s sake, we need to start reclaiming men’s spaces from these Andrew Taint-wannabe’s, and towards people like you. They don’t care about anything but their bank accounts.

            134 months ago

            Influencers are the tail that thinks they’re wagging the dog. When they aren’t shilling garbage products and cryptoscams they’re spending all their time trying to find the next trend to chase. Besides the shilling, at their worst they’re merely a sounding board for ideas and issues that are already out there (and have been for a long time).

            The biggest mistake the Democrat campaign made was to ignore the plight of working class, non-college educated people. To a group that’s been reeling from inflation and the major setback of COVID lockdowns, the Democrats promised more of the same. That’s not good enough! What good is student loan forgiveness to people who never went to college?

            That’s been the problem for the Democrats for decades now. A party that used to call labour unions its base now focuses pretty much exclusively on college-educated middle class and up.

            I just had a look at the exit polls. Of the people who said the economy was the most important use, 79% voted for Trump. Of those who think the US’s economy is doing not so good/poor (67% of voters), 69% voted for Trump.

            I know lots of people here will sneer at that and Trump seems pretty unlikely to right the ship but he actually promised change whereas the Democrats did not. Promising to keep things the same when 2/3 of voters believe the economy is poor is not going to get the job done.

            134 months ago

            Empathy isn’t a zero sum game. It is, in fact, possible to care about women’s issues and men’s issues at the same time. A woman getting the support they need doesn’t take anything away from a man, nor does a man getting the support they need take anything away from a woman.

              -54 months ago

              And yet these “all ____ matter” comments only come up when someone tries to take the spotlight away from white men. Women getting the support they need has been fought tooth and nail by men for fucking ages. The group that only just got the ability to have their own bank account doesn’t owe us fuck all in politeness especially when so many of us act like goddamn degenerates all the fucking time. They still struggle to even get healthcare that isn’t designed for men.

              What you’ve got in your comment is a deflection away from the real use of these things. It’s not clever, you’re just being an ass.

                114 months ago

                The original topic was about the radicalisation of men. One poster commented how it might feel that the democratic party doesn’t care about men’s issues. Another replied and tried to trivialize those issues. So some users advocate for empathy. And you reply with “but what about women?” Do women face issues? Absolutely. Arguably more than men, I don’t know. But that’s beside the point here. The topic was radicalisation of men, and a possible cause. I would argue, you’re acting like an ass right now.

                  -74 months ago

                  And I’m pointing out that men have not been forgotten, they’re just whining because it’s not about them 100% of the time anymore and they need to get over themselves. Also, their sexism caused a lot of the problems that women face and are now having to do all this fucking work to fix.


            4 months ago

            I don’t know the solution, but I do know that self-hatred isn’t it.

            People face a myriad of assaults on their mental health every day. Virtue signaling and choosing to leave any subgroup behind just because you think someone else has it worse won’t lead to the outcome you hope it will.

              -84 months ago

              Men aren’t being left behind, they’re just a bunch of fucking babies about maybe actually having to police their own behaviour. Women have been carrying the mental load for generations and now that we’re being asked to carry our fair share we do this shit.

              You’re not being left behind, you’re just being a asshole.

              Also, I’m a tall straight white male. Blond hair and blue eyes and everything. I don’t feel the least bit left behind. I feel embarrassed that I may have acted a certain way in the past, and it’s hard to overcome habits and normalized shitty behaviours. Instead of running from it and blaming everyone else for pointing out how my behaviour might have hurt someone I’m dealing with it and trying to be better.

                114 months ago

                I don’t give a fuck who you are. I didn’t ask, and it’s not relevant. And whatever you’re doing smacks more of “look how much better I am than you” than “I’m truly trying to be a better person.”

                Empathy makes you better, not self-hate and virtue signaling. People need help. All of them.

                  -84 months ago

                  The bar is pretty low, it’s pretty easy to be a better person.

                  Also this isn’t “self-hate”. It’s called introspection you spineless little weasel. Maybe you should hate yourself a little, kickstart a little humility in there.

                    54 months ago

                    It’s most certainly self-hate, you’re just too blinded by your own pick-me bs to achieve actual introspection. The gymnastics it takes to get from “I’m better because I say men make me sick” to “you’re bad and wrong because you advocate helping everyone” is priceless.

                    Oh no, the child called me a spineless weasel! Someday you’ll come to terms with reality. Until then, maybe consider listening more and speaking less when you’re in over your head.

                    You seem like you’re possibly capable of putting it all together eventually, once you gain some maturity. For now, though, this is farewell, as you don’t seem to actually have anything of value to add beyond singing your own praises and shitting all along your merry way.

      • Suspiciousbrowsing
        445 months ago

        I don’t disagree with your issues facing women. But your issues young men face is very disingenuous

        345 months ago

        How exactly can a political party address what is for men essentially a collection of toxic culture issues?

        I don’t necessarily know, and neither does the Democratic party, which is at least part of the reason why Trump just got reelected.

        215 months ago

        Talk about diving people, what a prime example. What would you say if I name fashion as one of the primary female problems? Or having good pictures on Instagram?

        4 months ago

        Imagine if you reversed the roles there and said something like issues facing women: handbag not sparkly enough or some shit

        There are real issues for both men and women. The fact people think otherwise is part is the root of the problem

          4 months ago

          But I would be lying.

          Look, name an issue that exclusively affects men, and I’ll amend my list. So far, no one has come up with anything.

          • Flying Squid
            64 months ago

            “Rapes aren’t prosecuted” doesn’t exclusively effect women by any means. Also, men can get pregnant. Trans men are men.

            I understand the point you’re making and I generally agree, but to suggest there are not issues that affect young men much more than young women that seriously need fixing is silly.

            The insane drug war affects men far, far more than women.

            And you’ll also notice that, aside from Breyonna Taylor who cops didn’t even know was there, virtually every major case involving police extrajudicial murder was of a black man.

              4 months ago

              “The drug war” is not a male-exclusive problem. That would be like saying that because men are responsible for perpetrating 99% of violent crime, violence is an exclusively male problem. Notice I didn’t say that.

              Also, are you sure you want me to add “trans male pregnancy” to the list of male problems? Are you quite sure this is something your fellow men feel strongly about? Don’t be dishonest, please.

              • Flying Squid
                14 months ago

                Tell me you didn’t even look at the image without telling me you didn’t look at the image.

                And you also don’t seem to think men can be raped since you think it’s only rapes of women that don’t get prosecuted.

                Also, are you sure you want me to add “trans male pregnancy” to the list of male problems?

                I was pointing out the flaw in you claiming these were only problems that involve women. That is only true for most of them if you do not think trans men are men. Are trans men actually men?

                  4 months ago

                  I looked at your image. Let’s say the drug war affects men more than women by imprisoning them. I’ll give you that one. Unfortunately, most men don’t care about this issue. In fact they would probably approve.

                  Here’s a related one: prison rape. It’s a serious problem that affects more men than women. Unfortunately, men don’t care about this issue either. If we talked about it we’d lose the election even worse.

                  Another male exclusive problem: online radicalization… the infamous alt-right pipeline. This odious trend has reduced male college attendance and made my fellow American men even stupider than they otherwise would be.

                  Another exclusively male problem: dating culture disparity. Men are expected to pay for dates despite nearly equivalent earning potential.

                  Why didn’t you mention any of that? Instead you’re focused on the one in a million women who are now trans men who are giving birth (???)

                  • Flying Squid
                    14 months ago

                    Why didn’t you mention any of that?

                    Because men in prison, in numbers exponentially more than women, is a much bigger problem. One that you don’t seem to care about.

                    Also, you still haven’t told me if trans men are men, so I guess you don’t think they are. Especially when you said “women who are now trans men” as if they weren’t always men.

                    So this is some weird TERF crap. I’m not interested in that sort of bigotry.

            34 months ago

            Mental health issues being ignored by their peers and society as a whole is a pretty big one

            You could claim women have mental health problems too and they do but they have spaces to talk about that

              4 months ago

              So your claim is that “mental health issues” are an exclusively male problem? Because again, the problems I listed for women affect them exclusively.

              So do you see what the problem is here?

              EDIT: people that downvote this benign comment are proving me right. Braindead.

                24 months ago

                You ignored part of my message, I said the problem was that men’s mental health problems are largely ignored, not that women don’t have mental health problems

                  4 months ago

                  So to be clear, one of the main issues that men in this country face that women do not face is that “their mental health issues are ignored”?

                  Who is “ignoring” these mental health issues? There’s no systematic lack of access that needs to be legislated, correct? I had absolutely zero problem getting therapy as a man. It’s a toxic masculinity thing of men themselves being unwilling to see a therapist. Correct?

        05 months ago

        I think many men, whether they realize it or not, feel specifically persecuted by trans rights. They might say that allowing trans women in women’s sports is cheating and that it would allow the trans women to be successful in the sport over less merit than they as cis males would have to. The deconstruction of the gender/sex binary also threatens cis males’ historic position as self-assigned protectors, leaders, and winners of the “weaker sex”. There is also the phobia among men of discovering that the woman whom they want to romance is trans, which really comes down to masculine fragility and conformity that leads to homophobia (in the sense of XY + XY, not gender) and transphobia. As a cis male, these men need to get over themselves.

        Many men also believe that gun control is a threat to them. They need these guns in case a fascist power ever seizes the government and they need to fight back, so they are actively voting for the fascist powers to seize the government so that they can keep their guns.

        There are also men who hold prejudice against any religion except Christianity so leftwing inclusivity efforts and anti-prejudice efforts come across as welcoming these perceived threats. These men aren’t simply just the redneck Bible thumpers or even devout or practicing Christians, but they just see the most common belief system around them as the default.

        It’s not that these issues are a threat to men, but that they perceive them as threats.