it’s election day–go vote if you haven’t already

    • coyotino [he/him]
      84 months ago

      qualified due to autism? You have not explicitly said your reasons for seeking MAID, and whatever they are, I’m sure that you know what you are doing. I just want you to know that I believe autistic people are one of greatest natural gifts that the world has given us. Y’all have a gift to see the world in a refreshingly-different way from everyone else, and there are many autistic folks in my life that I love dearly. Many of them have survived some very dark phases in their lives, where everything seemed hopeless, and yet today they are the happiest people I know.

      Whatever you end up doing, I just want you to know that I believe your existence is a treasure to this world, and many others do as well. But I don’t know anything about the rest of your situation, and I respect whatever you decide to with your own life.

      24 months ago

      Wait, did your caseworker just announce this eligibility to you without you having asked about it?

      Or have I wildly misread the situation?