• @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
      505 months ago

      Nothing is wrong with them, but I get not wanting to gamble with thos odds.

      Especially when, according to the national park service, “when bear encounters do happen, they are most often nonviolent”. So if you had to gamble…

      • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
        -294 months ago

        Are you saying that theres >42% chance a bear will be on your side in the wilderness then?

        That makes no sense. By all arguments taking “a man” is prolly the far better choice anyways, people are just stupid.

        There’s a 100% chance that “the bear” is a fucking bear

        Theres at least a decent chance “a random man” is an asset to survival and your odds of success go up instead of down…

        There’s no scenario where choosing “the bear” improves your odds of success >_>;

        • Flying Squid
          124 months ago

          Unless the bear is starving, rabid or you are between it and its cubs, there is a 99% chance that the bear will just leave you alone, and probably run away.

          I’m guessing that’s not as high a percentage when it comes to men considering statistics involving rape and murder.

          So yeah, I’d say that there are a lot of scenarios where choosing the bear improves your odds of success.

          It’s like people think there are hundreds of thousands of bear maulings ever year or something…

        • @MBM@lemmings.world
          114 months ago

          You’re changing the hypothetical into something it’s not. “Odds of success” are a weird thing to think about when it’s just a walk in the woods.

          • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
            -14 months ago

            The scenario is you are lost in the woods and you either have to choose between a wild bear, or a random man.

            Many types of bears won’t run away, they will actively attack you. Some will run, but many will simply tear you limb from limb just cuz.

            • @MBM@lemmings.world
              14 months ago

              I haven’t seen a version that says lost in the woods, just alone. Either way though, you can see it as saying they’d take a chance of being mauled over a chance of being raped.

              • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
                14 months ago

                And how would you react to if a TERF posted the same thing but changed it to a trans woman instead of a man?

                Still a woman posting about her fear of being raped.

                But now you maybe see how fucking awful ot sounds, right? How it makes you sound super bigoted, perhaps?

        • @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          No, I’m definitely not saying that I know the odds of a bear attack, which is why my quote was “most often” and not “>42%”.

          What I am saying is 14.8% of, or roughly 1 out of every 6, women in America has been raped. Worse yet, between the ages of 16-24, they are 3-4 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted. So in general, women have a very real fear of being alone and unguarded around men, many suffering from PTSD from encounters while being left alone with a man.

          Knowing that you have a 1 in 6 (or worse depending on age) chance to be raped in your lifetime is… bad odds. So it’s understandable that being alone with a man actually scares them more than a bear, regardless of the statistical odds of a bear attack (which again, are pretty low anyways).

          And seeing that 56% of men aged 18-29 voted for a convicted sex offender, probable statutory rapist, “grab 'em by the pussy” enthusiast, who pushed back women’s rights, that means over half the men in that demographic don’t think these are “hills to die on”. So now women have a very real fear, and/or have actually been raped, and all these men are voting like their fears and rights don’t matter… yep, I get choosing the bear.

          So yeah, we can argue until we are blue in the face about survival odds, but we would be missing the whole point of the discussion if we did.

          • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
            -34 months ago

            It’s a stupid hyperbole that just says “I’ve never actually seen a bear up close”

            It makes women sound stupid and naive, any woman who has actually encountered a bear up close will go “fuck no, a bear will fuck you up”

            Bears will literally tear your limbs off just cuz, with little effort. You are nothing more than a ragdoll to them. They have thousands of pounds on you, and they can run twice as fast as you.

            No person who actually knows wtf a bear us like would ever choose the bear.

            The hyperbole instead just sends a message of “women are stupid” which shouldn’t be true, I would hope the average woman is smart enough to know that while being alone with a man is risky, a fucking bear is still way way worse.

            • @14th_cylon@lemm.ee
              14 months ago

              It makes women sound stupid

              No. But this your comment makes you sound stupid.

              On top of being stupid, you obviously still don’t understand what hyperbole is.

              • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
                -24 months ago

                No, I know what it is. Hyperbole when taken too far is just a fancy way to dress up sexism/racism.

                The litmus test here is so easy.

                Replace “man” with “black man” and repeat the phrase, tell me if it’s still something you’d say out loud amongst friends or not.

                Suddenly doesn’t sound so paletteble does it? Maybe sounds kinda racist?

                Literally anytime you wanna try and argue if a phrase maybe is problematic, and you wanna try and argue that because the subject is “men” makes it lt count, just change it to “black men” and double check it didn’t suddenly become super fuckin racist sounding.

                If it did, it always was sexist.

                • @14th_cylon@lemm.ee
                  14 months ago

                  Either you are one of the best trolls I ever met, or you forgot to take your pills. Don’t bother to reply to this, you are on my block list now.

        • @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
          244 months ago

          Very true, but the overwhelming majority of women interact with men overwhelmingly frequently compared to bears.

          Almost as if the whole thing is a light hearted way of drawing attention to a very real fear women live with every day, that stats posted above bear (get it?) witness to.

          Plus, if we are being pedantic, it’s not “interactions with men”. It’s “would you, as a woman, feel safer encountering a man or a bear when you are alone in the woods”.

            • @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I mean… it is tho innit? But when it comes to topics that people have actual PTSD over, sometimes inventing goofy scenarios makes the hard conversations easier.

              So maybe the problem isn’t the goofy scenario, but the fact that people feel the need to ridicule rape and sexual assault fears regardless of how they are presented?

            • Flying Squid
              54 months ago

              If we are talking about odds, I’d rather run into a bear than any human being in the woods regardless of skin color because humans kill humans in an exponentially greater number than bears kill humans.

              So sure. I’d rather run into a bear than a black person in the woods. Or a white person. Or a brown person. Or even a blue person. And you do have a small chance running into one of the blue ones in one area that’s bear country.

              • @Azzu@lemm.ee
                4 months ago

                This is wrong reasoning though. The only reason why bears kill less humans is because like you say, less bears interact with humans. But if you go with the premise of putting a bear and a human next to each other, then a bear is always more dangerous.

                It’s like saying ingesting cyanide kills less people than car accidents. That doesn’t mean ingesting cyanide is less dangerous than driving a car.

                • Flying Squid
                  04 months ago

                  I thought we were talking about odds?

                  Why did you bring up odds if this was about the “right” reasoning?

            • @FooBarrington@lemmy.world
              24 months ago

              What’s a “black prison”? Is that like an off-the-books CIA site where they keep people who won’t be found? I’d definitely take the bear, the CIA would probably torture me to get me to tell them how I found their black prison.

          • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Any woman who says “the bear” honestly, I have to assume" has never once actually encountered a bear in the woods.

            Prolly has had extremely few encounters with anything in the woods.

            People hang out on trails all the time, and are alone with another stranger on the trails extremely often, and the extremely vast majority of those interactions are overwhelming positive in all configurations. The vast majority of humans are helpful at worst, for all genders.

            People like to help other people out.

            Yes, I would vastly prefer to encounter a gun toting right wing MAGA nut on the trail than a fucking bear, thats not even a hard question to answer, its a fucking bear.

            Im left wing by a long shot but I still know that even the average right wing MAGA nut is actually prolly still gonna be, on average, helpful and/or friendly, or maybe just cold and indifferent towards me, out in the wilderness.

            Hell I’d actually honestly say this scenario is one of the few times I’d choose a MAGA right wing nut over a fellow left leaning fellow.

            I love my fellow liberals but I also have to acknowledge the vast majority of us are city slickers, many many of which prolly couldnt even start a fire if their life depended on it (cuz its just not a thing that matters in the city)

            Meanwhile the odds the random selected MAGA right wing gun nut prolly shows up with hunting equipment and knows how to do shit like make a lean to and skin a rabbit.

            If I got to pick between the two, I’d choose the gun nut cuz Id rather risk surviving with a gun nut than dying with a fellow city slicker, love yeah all but like, we aint fuckin surviving in the woods long, thats just a fact lol.


            If you seriously think this sort of statement is okay to make, I dare you to replace “man” with “black man” and go post it to prove how it’s totally not a bigoted statement

            Cuz any argument you try and make about “man” in this statement should hold water even if you change it to “black man” without suddenly sounding super fuckin racist.

            • @14th_cylon@lemm.ee
              74 months ago

              Any woman who says “the bear” honestly, I have to assume" has never once actually encountered a bear in the woods.

              i have to assume you never were a woman… is that correct assumption, smartass?

            • @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
              54 months ago

              Don’t get me wrong, in your situation, where you are man alone in the wilderness, meeting another person is really not so terrifying of a concept. Bears aren’t likely to attack and maul you tbh, but neither is the “gun nut” in your hypothetical.

              This isn’t what women are talking about when they say “I’d choose the bear”. They are actually referencing a genuine fear many of them have being alone around men. Reportedly 14.8%, or roughly 1 out of every 6, women in America has been raped. And between the ages of 16-24, they are 3-4 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted. Meaning these fears are at their peak during formative years.

              We could argue till we are blue in the face over which is more likely to attack, a bear or stranger in the woods, but it would be completely missing the point of the discussion.

              Many women have genuine fears and/or PTSD regarding being alone with men, and so when asked what they would feel safer encountering alone in the woods, they choose the bear. Even if you believe their choice is the “wrong one”, please try to understand what they are trying to communicate by making it.

              • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
                04 months ago

                They are actually referencing a genuine fear many of them have being alone around men.

                It still makes you sound stupid, tbh, when you admit you haven’t a clue how much more threatening a fucking bear is.

                A man, no matter how scary, isn’t going to tear your fucking arms off with one hand lol

                It demonstrates a degree of naivety that you truly have never actually seen a bear in person.

                It just makes the person sound stupid.

                At least pick an animal that is less of an instant threat. Like a cougar.

                A bear will literally reduce you to multiple pieces without a second thought, and with barely any effort. It’s a bear

                • @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
                  24 months ago

                  To be honest, being so unable to grasp the point being made makes you sound… stupid tbh. But I don’t actually think you are stupid, so I assume you are just really dug in deep with how much “choose the bear” annoys you (maybe because you are offended on behalf of men, or on behalf of bears?).

                  So you want to call it stupid instead of just being willing to acknowledge “choosing the bear” is a polite way of saying “men assault women at such a high rate that women are genuinely terrified to be alone with them.” And honestly, it demonstrates a degree of naivety that you have never truly experienced the constant threat of sexual assault for you to consistently think this was ever about bears.

                  • @pixxelkick@lemmy.world
                    04 months ago


                    I get the point, I have always gotten the point.

                    My point is it’s a stupid sounding way to try and make the point, because it doesn’t actually translate well.

                    Instead you just sound like a naive inexperienced idiot and make yourself look bad.

                    You either come across as so hyperbolic you just sound sexist, or, you sound like a naive idiot.

                    Let me demonstrate for you.

                    If soneone told you given the choice of being alone in the woods with a black man or a bear, they’d feel safer with a bear, how does that sound now?

                    Do you still think that sounds “hyperbolic”, or do you maybe now see how fucked up and stupid it makes you sound?

                    That’s how women who genuinely say that shit sound.

        • LustyArgonian
          134 months ago

          Yet the majority of violent interactions women experience come from men

            • @TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
              94 months ago

              You’re sure doing your part to make sure women want to interact with you. I bet you’ve convinced most of them that throwing a fit and calling people names when you don’t get your way makes you the best guy.

            • @pyre@lemmy.world
              34 months ago

              no, I made it up because it’s an easy analogy. but my argument is still different on two fronts.

              first, the claim is absolute when it should be comparative. documented immigrants commit less crime than citizens. undocumented immigrants even less than them.


              men on the other hand commit crime in ridiculously higher rates than women, and even disregarding that, men commit more serious crimes than women. technically more than bears too.

              second, my argument isn’t about opposing men, so it’s not even comparable to the opposing immigration argument. it’s about the fact that men pose a real threat and maybe it’s appropriate to take action to address that rather than get defensive about it.

                • @pyre@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  I didn’t say I invented it. I said I made it up. it’s not that wild of an analogy to be impossible to come up with it independently. i was thinking of grains and then remembered an old reddit post about putting skittles in an m&ms bowl.

                  wow they probably stole that too, since it’s such a crazy original idea that no two people can think of it.

                  again, “FBI crime stats but for men” is not a good critique because again, it’s not comparable to black people. unless you think the police unfairly favor immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants. women do get more lenient sentences but that wasn’t my argument.

                  if you have any evidence that women commit as many and as serious crimes as men please share. or if you think men are historically oppressed and financially disadvantaged as context to their crime stats, I’d like to hear that.

                  pointing at vague similarities to other arguments when they are nothing like each other won’t cut it.

                  • @Aqarius@lemmy.world
                    -34 months ago

                    I didn’t say “invented” either, I said “made up” - I used the exact same wording you did. Don’t put words in my mouth, it’s unhygienic. And I would say that of all the foods to pick for the analogy, going straight for M&Ms in particular is, shall we say, telling.

                    “FBI crime stats” is, in fact a good critique. If we accept bigotry against immigrants is unjustified because their crime stats are low, logically, we are forced to accept that if they were high, bigotry would be justified, which is the “FBI stats” argument. Now, I realize I might be on the fringe here, but I would like to take the stance that bigotry is inherently unjustified, regardless of what stats someone can dig up. Crime stats, historical oppression, financial disadvantage, and other PMC buzzwords do not matter. Either we agree that a person, an actual, living, breathing, human being with feelings, hopes, and dreams, can be pre-judged based their birth (prejudice: prae- “before” + iūdicium “judgment”) , or they can’t. And I am of the radical, extremist stance that prejudice is wrong, inherently.

                    And what the fuck do bears have to do with any of this?

          • @Azzu@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            Idk, women also do dumb violent shit, guess everyone should avoid everybody? Since some humans, regardless of their background, are toxic?

            Life is risk. Not taking any risk is choosing not to live. It’s relatively easy to figure out who’s a shithead, of course you should be wary of people, but everyone has to filter out other shitty people constantly, it’s not suddenly some new thing because Trumpers exist.

          • @spacecadet@lemm.ee
            -174 months ago

            They one poisonous m&m in the factory is better than this chainsaw will to your face off, but at least you were safe from potentially being poisoned

        • @Liome@pawb.social
          104 months ago

          Overwhelming majority of women interactions with men is not alone in the forest - and that was the setting of this exercise.
          Of course I’d rather see a man in crowded office space than a bear, stranded alone in a forest however, math changes.

        • @BaldManGoomba@lemmy.world
          -24 months ago

          Ok 42% of men voted for your rights. Most violent crime, SA, and murder is done by men. Potentially in the near future you can’t escape a marriage without a “good” reason and you can’t abort a forced pregnancy.
          Bears. Potentially murder and maul you. Majority of bear to human interactions are non violent and happens numerically wise less than Bears. You interact with men more than Bears. By a million times. The interactions with a male could be worse. Than just killed or hurt severally. Which is the only thing you get from a bear.

          Yes not all men but most men don’t support your rights and crimes are mostly men. Bear impacts are better outcomes than a bad man impacts

          • @Skates@feddit.nl
            -24 months ago

            I’ve HEARD a lot of women talk about how they’d rather be with a bear. I haven’t actually SEEN any leaving society to go live in the woods with a bear. Nor have I seen many of the men supporting them cut off their testicles and dress as bears.

            Now, that leaves me in a pickle. Should I conclude a lot of women are hypocrites and a lot of men are just white knighting, since none of them are actually putting their money where their mouth is? Should I begin questioning if all women talk out of their ass and only take their input to be true if they provide signed statements, ideally notarized?

            Nah. Probably not. I’m gonna choose to believe #notAllWomen lie. Just, like, the ones talking about bears.