I was gonna title this “And here I sit so patiently waiting to find out what price you have to pay to get out of going through all these things twice” and then write “Stuck inside of America with the fascism blues again” here, but I’m not sure if that comes off like gloating and that’s honestly the last thing I want to do this morning.

  • @turddle@lemmy.world
    25 months ago

    Don’t think it has to explicitly be a shitty person but the Left definitely needs to realize it’s a popularity contest. Charisma and moxie win it cuz voters want it simple.

    Look how FDR swept Hoover. Went around promising Happy Days are Here Again and he’ll whip the government into fixing the individual’s problems. Blasted his aura on the radio and newsreels which kept voters’ eyes on him. Then kept them for 3 more terms by saying fuck the red tape and making tangible things happen (which is probably what drives people to Trump despite the different results)

    People want to back the cool guy who tells em it’ll be alright. Simple as

    • @brucethemoose@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      Then kept them for 3 more terms by saying fuck the red tape and making tangible things happen (which is probably what drives people to Trump despite the different results)

      Please don’t kill me, but I saw this appeal when Trump first ran. In 2016, his rhetoric on withdrawing from foreign wars and similar stuff, when Hillary was the other choice, was very appealing. Of course my eyes were opened wide by his actual statements/history, and then his presidency.

      I think what’s different now is the feedback loop is broken. In the 30s, I assume people connected what FDR was doing to what was happening. Everyone lived in the same reality.

      But now people live in complete personalized realities inside their phones and apps. Perception is extremely selective, issues are complicate. And just, like, looking him up on Wikipedia and news archives like I do is completely alien now. I know children and relatives who literally don’t know how to use the internet and just live in their scrolling feeds.

      • @turddle@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        Nah you’re completely right. The appeal was that he’d push past the usual ineffectualness of politics and get things done.

        Bumble through the red tape too quickly for consequences to catch him while claiming everything as a win.

        The warping of reality hides what he’s actually doing/who he is and too many people are just red team vs blue now so will keep on supporting. They’ll think a win for him is a win for them and won’t look further to think otherwise (because who wants to think they’ve lost?).

        Almost wish Biden would’ve gone full Mr. Bean and just oopsied his way through using executive power. Oops, forgave student loans. Oops, taxed the rich. Oops, legal weed. Trump already showed the system is too slow to stop it and doing things that actually helped folks would be disastrous for any group trying to undo it once people felt the effects. Oh well…

        • @brucethemoose@lemmy.world
          25 months ago

          Almost wish Biden would’ve gone full Mr. Bean and just oopsied his way through using executive power. Oops, forgave student loans. Oops, taxed the rich. Oops, legal weed. Trump already showed the system is too slow to stop it and doing things that actually helped folks would be disastrous for any group trying to undo it once people felt the effects. Oh well…

          He was trying to preserve the image of the US president as being dignified. measured and cognizant, but only now are we certain that’s not what voters want.

              • @turddle@lemmy.world
                15 months ago

                Haha maybe not my choice since his appeal is very focused to one group but maybe that’s a good thing? Would draw the young vote out at least. And we now know scandals aren’t something that affect eligibility.

                Either way, def time to find someone who grabs attention. Even the governator served two terms as an R in California (and wasn’t the worst all things considered)

                Ideally someone who could court the rural vote… but most famous dudes of that nature are staunch GOP