
Many Democrats, especially women, expressed disillusionment and frustration online, viewing the result as a reflection of deep-seated misogyny in the U.S.

Harris supporters highlighted anger that a “felony convicted, twice-impeached” Trump prevailed over a female candidate.

Comparisons to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss resurfaced, with many attributing Trump’s win to targeted appeals to young men, including appearances with influencers like Joe Rogan.

The election outcome has intensified concerns over growing right-wing radicalization among young men.

    5 months ago

    I don’t think that way, personally.

    I think that America is just dumb af. Every stance Republican Voters claim to care about: Trump performs worse on. But they were told he was their guy by Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Money won the race.

    • Jolly Platypus
      835 months ago

      I think this is basically it. Americans are stupid, immoral people.

      They put a proven rapist, convicted felon, and fascist in the White House after he killed a million Americans with Covid and openly talked about deploying the military on our fellow citizens.

      Americans are, without a doubt, some of the shittiest people on the planet.

        • Prehensile_cloaca
          155 months ago

          Let’s not forget the network of churches fomenting regressive lessons, for decades.

        5 months ago

        Americans are, without a doubt, some of the shittiest people on the planet.

        I don’t know about that. But it might be argued that they are really bad considering they have excellent access to information and still chose the path of least resistance, that being information at appeals to their beliefs.

          25 months ago

          This guy won the popular vote by a 3% margin. We beat him last time by a 4% margin.

          But sure… Let’s pretend everyone in America chose this guy last Tuesday.

        25 months ago

        You could say the same about the people of any country that’s committed terrible acts. It’s easier sometimes to demonize an entire people - fascists do this famously with great success. Trump won, in no small part, because he did exactly this.

        So sure, you can do the same. You can call all Americans shitty. Maybe thats the lesson you can take from all of this: It worked for Trump, so why not you?

        I don’t agree with this sort of thing, though. I don’t agree with fascist talking points. I think this sort of thinking leads to unspeakable things.

      325 months ago

      Don’t underestimate misogyny / bro culture in the US. Combine that with machismo in some subcultures and the weird religious beliefs that women should be subservient and at home making babies and we’ll never see a female president at this rate.

        75 months ago

        The fact that “tradwife” entered the lexicon and is popular on social media tells you basically everything you need to know about how many Americans think of women in this country.

        45 months ago

        I’m not really underestimating it, it’s clearly there and a very huge problem, but if Harris was the candidate offering to cut taxes for the rich and Trump was the candidate threatening to change half of all US Cars to electric in 10 years, then the outcome would be opposite to what it was.

            75 months ago

            Our socioeconomic situation almost 20 years ago isn’t the same as it is now. The Rich are much richer now than then, the middle class existed in much greater numbers, Russia and China weren’t (as much) actively campaigning on the whole US Population’s social media, and fossil fuel companies weren’t at risk of being phased out.

        -25 months ago

        Don’t overestimate it, either. Even places where that “machismo” is in the dominant culture have managed to elect women as presidents.

        You know what the real difference is? Their woman presidents aren’t useless fucking neoliberals.

      95 months ago

      People are seriously underestimating just how stupid the Trump voter is. Sure, 10% of them are selfish, racist, misogynist, pieces of shit. The rest are too fucking dumb to accurately describe. These morons not only have fully submitted themselves to the propaganda bubble world they choose to remain in, but they are willing to believe, and do believe, multiple contradicting lies at the same time. They lack the most basic level of reasoning that many pets have. For example, they will believe that Biden doesn’t exist and is actually an actor, Obama is controlling Biden as president, Trump is secretly president already, that Biden is manipulating everything against Trump, and that Biden is too senile to do anything. It’s not that they think some of these conspiracies could be true, they believe all of it at the same time. Even my dog knows that the treat being in one hand means it’s not in the other hand. Even my dog can understand we live in one reality. These people are dumber than fucking rocks.

      55 months ago

      Yup. This was my conclusion as well. Elon likely turned the tide of the election, and he barely dipped into his available funds.

      All of us struggling to survive, making an honest living… We’re just seen as trash. Trump, Elon, Jeff… They don’t have to call us garbage. They know we’re garbage. They know it every time they both commit, and get away with crimes, and every time they toss money around with barely a thought.

      It’s already so bad… The inflation, the debt, the hours. The average American is no longer hopeful that they might achieve prosperity. What happens when Trump raises our taxes, while cutting taxes for the wealthy? What happens when the war on porn and abortion is cranked up? What happens when hundreds of millions of people become desperate, disillusioned, and disenfranchised?

      I think Putin knows. I know. You all probably have some idea.

      Help the people around you as much as you can, everyone. Don’t let the country descend into chaos. Even when countless Americans hate us for it, we have to help even those people.

    • Omega
      05 months ago

      They think right of progressives makes them Republican. When it really just makes them a liberal.

      5 months ago

      Don’t overgeneralize. Many of us [edit: US citizens] are not that stupid [edit: and didn’t vote for this dumpster fire].

      And as one of those I don’t appreciate the random asshole insults.

      Edit: Calling an entire country stupid when you can’t parse that this comment was saying that a large chunk of us didn’t vote for Diaper Donnie is very ironic.