Tech tycoon Elon Musk joined a call between US President-elect Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the day after the presidential election, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.

        144 months ago

        He honestly wouldn’t need to.

        In a past life I worked with a LOT of senior military folk for the purpose of grants and funding and the like. And basically anyone (guesstimating) above the rank of a Captain equivalent (outside of SF) is basically a lifer. And they very rapidly learn how political the upper echelons are and that they need to stay as neutral as possible to get further promotions and have good assignments.

        I could very much see various Lieutenants and even some Captains complain about leaving the Ukrainians to die. They will then be immediately told by the nearest Major or General that they are a disgrace to the uniform for refusing orders and blah blah blah. And that will propagate down the line so that the NCO who is ACTUALLY valued for their initiative understands that they will be brought up on treason if they violate these orders.

        Because those Generals? They build their entire lives around always being able to say “I was just following orders”. They KNOW when you get things in writing.

        • TooManyFoods
          84 months ago

          The president can’t? Let’s see of the Supreme Court has anything to say about that. Right now, I’m not confident the word can’t is in their dictionary as far as a president is concerned.

          • LustyArgonian
            64 months ago

            Since Trump technically can’t commit crimes as a president, nothing is stopping him from killing the generals until they comply.

      84 months ago

      You’re right.

      Just like none of us understood when they all sat with their thumbs up their asses waiting to see how January 6 would shake out. But hey, that is fine. It was because they were waiting for orders from the POTUS or the VPOTUS… that the VPOTUS had a lynch mob and compromised secret service agents hunting down.

      But hey, I want me some salmon so Support The Troops God Bless America We Are Number One Make America Great Again, right?

          34 months ago

          Ah. So they are going to fight to save the economy, not the country.

          That is at least somewhat believable. Except… it isn’t like we are going to pay them less. And that still involves military officers revolting unless we live in a world where you think Lockheed Martin have secret kill switches in… I don’t even know what. The cell phone trump uses to talk to putin?