This is a breaking news alert! We’ve heard a lot about Biolabs in the past 3 years, but a breaking story today is perhaps worst of all. A Chinese Biolab company working with COVID and HIV and about 20 other pathogens has been found operating in an abandoned building in Fresno, California! Gee, you think…

  • Itty53
    2 years ago

    I live in Fresno. I can pretty much guarantee that this is just targeted faux news meant to get (extremely dumb and gullible) conservatives riled up in a democratic state. The central valley is as conservative as Texas and within the red households, probably about as educated as Texas too.

    The only labs you’ll find in abandoned buildings here are meth labs. But you’re quite likely to find HIV in those labs too so ymmv.

    Do yourself a favor and block the OP reader. He knows this is all bullshit. And hey OP! Trump won’t ever notice you. I know you harbor a little hope he will but that’s just because you’re that small minded. He won’t. Ever.