Yeah, both sides amiright?

  • No, it doesn’t apply at all.

    The point of the anti-Dem posts was to get people to not vote Dem when objectively allowing a trump win was worse.

    You’re suggesting actively supporting worse is better.

    That’s fucked up.

    • I’m not at all suggesting supporting worse is better and I have no clue how you came to that conclusion. Allowing a Trump win was absolutely worse and I agree it would have been better for everyone to suck it up and vote blue.

      That being said its incredibly fucked up to pretend the democrats are completely innocent which is just blatantly not true. They are better by comparison, but definitely not innocent and still supportive of genocide.

      I’m not talking about the posts, I’m talking about you guys trying to sweep shit under the rug. It doesn’t work like that.

        -74 months ago

        There is no “you guys trying to sweep shit under the rug”. It doesn’t work like what you’re saying. Nobody is pretending the democrats are innocent. That’s fucked up. Nobody is.

        There are people that realize that the current policy sucks, but the alternative is so much worse.

        That is all.

      84 months ago

      Nope. The point was to pressure Biden to listen to his advisors and do the moral and correct and even politically popular thing and he refused.