Yeah, both sides amiright?

  • 2ugly2live
    4 months ago

    What slur? Now you really have loss me. People in my community were realistic about what we could get done on 11/5. We didn’t call anyone a slur, we’re not Republicans. Naive? Foolish? Maybe, but what slur? I’m not calling myself a “Good” person, but I’m am calling myself a politically involved and empathetic beyond what is comfortable for me. I’m sure you also feel like you’re a good person, and maybe you are, I only know you from this interaction. But I’m at peace with what I did on 11/5 because I didn’t stop working.

    I’m fine being down voted knowing that I did and will continue to do what I can. Just like I’m sure you’re fine feeling that you did and/or are doing the same.

    I’m sorry, I’m just so angry that we are in this position, and that it’s even worse. It’s very, very frustrating (though I’m sure it’s the same for you).

    Still not sure why you think we’d be walking around calling people slurs though 👀

    Edit: Whoops, their account is gone I think? Sorry. I swear I didn’t report. 🙏🏾

      • 2ugly2live
        04 months ago

        Ah! It was the word “b*tch.” I thought he was saying a racial slur. Didn’t even notice 😂