Yeah, both sides amiright?

    4 months ago

    I fully understand why you see it that way. To you, Palestinians do not register as human beings, and so from your perspective I’m throwing a fit because my parents won’t rescue a puppy, or perhaps buy me a new doll. Only through the complete othering and dehumanization of foreigners is it possible for you to describe opposition to genocide as a “personal sensibility” or my “exact desires” or compare it to throwing a fit because I don’t get ice cream. You people are constantly telling on yourself that you do not recognize people born on the other side of an imaginary line with the wrong skin color as human beings. You don’t see it as being about them, rather you think this is all about my feelings, about “oh no I saw something on TV that made me feel sad, somebody do something about my feelings,” because you are unable to recognize them as human, and that is how you are able to absurdly call it “selfish” and “egotistical” for me to care about them.

    If it’s truely the case that my only option within the system is to vote in favor of genocide, then yes, obviously, “burning down the grocery store” would be an extremely reasonable and proportionate response to that situation, you know, like, if the grocery store was actively butchering up human beings and serving their meat in the deli aisle. But since these people have the same moral worth to you as animals, that’s why to you it seems like burning down a grocery store just because they serve beef.

    What’s incredible about this though is that you have the audacity and lack of self awareness to describe my position as the privileged one. As if you don’t get to live your whole life safely behind the walls of the garden, beyond which people are getting massacred in your name, but which you have the ability to simply ignore and shut out, out of sight and out of mind. You and I have the privilege of being born in a first world country, but I have my perspective precisely because I have had the misfortune of getting a glimpse of what things are like beyond that wall, and recognizing from that that the status quo cannot continue.

    Whether for good or ill and whether sooner or later, the wall is coming down. Someday you’ll get a taste of the horrors beyond, of your own medicine that you’ve been dishing out, and the karma of your actions will find it’s way back home to you.