• Anything new and exciting you want to share with the group?
  • Same 'ol drudgery?
  • Are you channeling your inner Meatwad ?

Let us know how you’re doing! We can commiserate or complain with you.

  • 🐝bownage [they/he]
    64 months ago

    Went on a lovely little weekend trip with my wife last weekend and we had some serious talks. I realised I’ve been dishonest with myself about a bunch of things. The common denominator is the fact that I’ve never really learned to talk to people about things I struggle with. Even though I’ve been doing fine in life in general, I’m really starting to see the boundaries of what friendships and family connections can be when you’re always trying to keep the peace and never bring anything up that could sour the mood (in my mind, anyway).

    Something to work on, but it’s scary. Maybe I’m more afraid of being rejected than I’ve been telling myself I am.

    • 🐠 tiago🍍
      4 months ago

      hey! it’s good to have those serious talks with the people we care about.

      exercising makes us jacked^(is that the english term for 💪?)^ by slightly tearing the muscles apart and rebuilding them stronger. relationships and hard conversations are similarly related… we need to start by lifting just a few pounds.