And no “water with a twist of lemon/slice of cucumber” goofs. Water isn’t allowed.

    2 years ago

    I think OP knows exactly what they mean, I think if you asked a five year old they’d know what they mean.

    Yet for some reason, some people are completely missing the point of a very simple question which boils down to “if you couldn’t drink regular water, what would you have instead”…

    • snowe
      82 years ago

      That’s not “exactly” what they mean, as the difference between what you think they’re saying and other commenters think is clearly different. Is la croix or bubbly allowed? If not then what about a hard seltzer? If those are allowed then why isn’t lemon water allowed? If those aren’t allowed then where is the line? Gatorade is seltzer water without the bubbles and with electrolytes. It’s clear that OP’s question was not well thought out, hence why so many people here have a problem with it.

      • snowe
        82 years ago

        And yet the main answer in this thread is “tea” which is clearly just water with leaves in it. Why is that different than water with lemons in it? Just because you didn’t have a problem with the question doesn’t mean the question doesn’t have major problems. You just didn’t notice the problems.