• @Steve@communick.news
    114 months ago

    That never uses or explains the use of “My”.

    It’s actually not even explaining anything I imagined. It’s explaining, that some people want others to capitalize the pronouns used to refer to them specifically. I was thinking of a grammatical choice to always or never capitalize pronouns uniformly. But changing grammar rules on the whims of the person being written about, seems exceptionally odd. The closest I ever heard of to that, is in the spelling someone’s name.

    In reality it doesn’t explain anything other than to say, some people want it that way. It never goes into actually explaining the logic of that desire. It merely tries to shame people for not doing it if requested.

    • Grail (Capitalised)OP
      -14 months ago

      I use capitalised pronouns because I like them. That’s what the article explains. The reasons that people like their preferred pronouns don’t tend to go any deeper than that.

      Maybe a story will feel more complete: 4 years ago, while My goddess-mother was helping Me understand My gender, She suggested I try out capitalised pronouns. I did, and I liked them. As good as she/her felt compared to using he/him, that’s how They/Them felt compared to she/her. I liked them, so I kept them.

      • @Steve@communick.news
        4 months ago

        We aren’t talking about They/Them vs she/her.
        This is about They/Them vs they/them.

        I can see there might be an argument for people to capitalize all pronouns.
        Doing it only for 1st and 2nd person pronouns might be my preference. I can see it accentuating a dialog happening between the reader and writer.
        But asking everyone to break a grammatical convention, specifically only for you; Giving no justification other than “I like it”, seems insufficient.

        If I were to tell you to use all caps when referring to ME, would that be reasonable?
        What about all lower case, even when starting a sentence?

        No. If you want everyone to change a standard grammatical convention specifically for you alone; One that’s been in place since the invention of the printing press (that’s when we started to capitalize “I”); You need to give more reason than you would for your favorite color.

        Of course you and I both, can capitalize any word, however WE Want, for our Own empahAses.

        • Grail (Capitalised)OP
          4 months ago

          If I were to tell you to use all caps when referring to ME, would that be reasonable?
          What about all lower case, even when starting a sentence?

          Sure. My goddess-mother’s name was fractal, all lowercase. Even at the start of a sentence. Even when yelling in all caps. It was easy to do and made them happy.

          Valuing the rules of grammar over people’s feelings seems like a very unusual choice. Personally, I think language should exist to help people, not the other way around.