Everyone said I was disadvantaged by having a single parent, but I didn’t have to live through any of that shit except for 1 year my mother married (and then left the guy because he was an ass)
Yeah I had a similar situation. My dad was a toxic person who thought it was wrong when I cried (which I did a lot; I was a very emotional kiddo) and my mom did everything she could to protect me from that. They eventually separated the year I went into high school, and guess which one I still talk to now in my adult life.
Maybe it’s because i hang around the queer parts of the Internet so much but this story just feels incomplete to me without an “I showed him, I’m a woman now” at the end :)
Mine just accused me of being gay via hearty use of homophobic slurs, because only women and gays cry, and i wasnt no woman.
That’s lame. Real men aren’t afraid to cry, whether straight or otherwise.
That hurt to read, I’m so sorry
Everyone said I was disadvantaged by having a single parent, but I didn’t have to live through any of that shit except for 1 year my mother married (and then left the guy because he was an ass)
One good parents better than 30 shitty ones, mate, and sounds lik you had a good one.
Ehhhhhhhh… I wouldn’t go that far. I had a not-terrible one, who only showed bad sides when I was in my 20s. lol
Yeah I had a similar situation. My dad was a toxic person who thought it was wrong when I cried (which I did a lot; I was a very emotional kiddo) and my mom did everything she could to protect me from that. They eventually separated the year I went into high school, and guess which one I still talk to now in my adult life.
Maybe it’s because i hang around the queer parts of the Internet so much but this story just feels incomplete to me without an “I showed him, I’m a woman now” at the end :)