• @inv3r510n@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    No. The democrats have blocked every single left leaning legislation through their spoilers (Lieberman, Manchin, Sinema, the senate parliamentarian) for decades now and every single election they shift to the right to appease people who will never ever vote for them.

    Then the material conditions of society go to shit, fascists appeal to the undereducated and extremely manipulated (thanks Obama for cozying up to the tech industry and refusing to regulate them) and they get elected legitimately because the general public is fed up with worsening material conditions.

    Meanwhile the democrats gaslight the public about how the economy has never been better. Better for **who?!** and both parties tax the ever loving shit out of us and then send that money to Israel so they can murder Palestinian children so NYC zionists can have oceanfront vacation homes.

    Liberals protect their class interests at the expense of the rest of us who will be in the crosshairs of a fascist regime. Violent revolution is defense at this point.

    • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
      04 months ago

      weird, you didn’t start the revolution yet. still here typing about how much better you are than the worst fake democrats.

      • @inv3r510n@lemmy.world
        -14 months ago

        Lol, they’re real democrats and they’re spoilers by design. You’re a fool.

        The violence already started. Every mass shooting is someone losing it under the weight of capitalism.

        • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
          -14 months ago

          Right, so those kids at columbine were actually just successfully protesting trump and fascism. We GoT wHaT wE dEsErVeD

          • @inv3r510n@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Go ahead and be a willfully obtuse moronic teenager if that’s what you want to be.

            When columbine happened trump was a democrat and an entertainer. Now we’re getting mass shootings every week but no capitalism has nothing to do with it, it’s the guns and video games fault.

            • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              -14 months ago

              lmao says the fake revolution supporting libertarian!!! funniest shit I’ve read on here in a while lol

                • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                  -14 months ago

                  Identical amount of accomplishments to the violence you advocate for but judge others for not committing first. Actually scratch that, we made some minor progress here and there instead of the fuck-all you’ve done to help.

                  • @inv3r510n@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    The state is doing violence against its people in the form of poverty, homelessness, hunger and police brutality on the daily. Violent response is self defense.

                    Opposing the brutality of capitalism with violence is self defense. You’ll see. The trump admin is gonna round up all the undesirables and turn them into private prison slaves and liberals aren’t gonna do a single fucking thing to stop it besides ineffectually protest with stupid signs and go home. Hell they’ll be bragging about how great their stock portfolios and 401ks are doing.

                    The violence is coming. If democrats gave a flying fucking about the people instead of protecting their class interests and “institutions” none of this would be happening. They could of fought harder for gore in 2000 but rolled over. They could of fought harder for Obama’s SCOTUS picks but rolled over. They propped up trump (friend of the Clintons!) as an “easy” opponent for primary stealing Hillary and that backfired horrendously. They could of appealed to the left but instead chastised them. They could of appealed to the working class but called them deplorable instead. They could of raised the minimum wage but conveniently they had an unheard of senate parliamentarian to contend with. They could of passed universal healthcare but oh no joe Lieberman conveniently got in the way! They could of stopped supporting Israel’s bullshit decades ago but there isn’t a war they don’t support, after all those defense contractors need to do renovations on their third homes and that doesn’t come cheap. Not to mention they’re all owned by AIPAC at this point. Oh the irony of dems bleating about russian interference when we act as a colony for the israelis. They could of regulated social media companies but instead were in bed with them. They could of held bush 2 accountable for war crimes but didn’t. They could of curtailed the power of the federal government but instead supported warrantless wiretapping, drone strikes against Americans abroad without due process, and supported the expansion of ominously named “homeland security”. They could of put trump in jail for being the traitor to the country he is but didn’t. They could of supported striking railroad workers but instead ordered them back to work. They could of built a working class coalition of voters but instead focused on identity politics that matter to 1% of the population, creating a target on the backs of that 1%. There’s an endless list of things the democrats could of done to prevent the incoming nightmare but doing those things would betray their class interests, which come first. And even if it doesn’t betray their class interests they care more about pomp and circumstance than protecting their people. They rely heavily on losing identity politics because focusing on race/gender/ethnicity/sexuality doesn’t threaten their class interests. They don’t care that they lost, their wealth will protect them.

                    And besides, dumb easily manipulated rubes like you will continue to vote for them anyways as conditions continue to worsen in this country. Keep doing the same thing over and over and wonder why nothing changes.