• But the reason many voted for him, or simply didn’t vote at all was because the traditional poloticians weren’t helping either. Kind of a “banging my head against this wall hasn’t worked, let try this other wall.”

    • @frayedpickles@lemmy.cafe
      4 months ago

      More like “I didn’t bother educating myself on these two walls but when I was growing up in the 80s ‘R’ next to a name meant financial security to my daddy, so now that the economy isn’t great I need to vote R.”

      • I am sure there were plenty of those, but they always do that. So nothing new there. And I don’t blame them honestly. When both choices suck, why invest a ton of time and energy into researching. The way businesses pass work onto us these days means everyone is short of time and energy.

    • @buddascrayon@lemmy.world
      34 months ago

      Yeah, nothing like trying to reign in the oligarchs who are over pricing everything by installing a bunch of oligarchs as your defacto government. That’ll surely fix the problem.

      • I don’t think the people who crossed over or stayed home expect trump to fix anything. That just wanted to send a message that they were not okay with what the dems were doing. And they didn’t have many options.

        • @buddascrayon@lemmy.world
          13 months ago

          You are assigning far too much thought to how people voted this go around. I think it’s more basic than that. I think it’s just straight up apathy. Along with a good bit of confusion that was juiced by one of the richest men on the planet. Who just so happens to own one of the largest social media platforms that has ever existed.

          Conspiracy theorists fall into the hole of trying to boil down complicated problems to just one singular factor. But it’s not. It’s very very complicated and there’s a lot of things that need to be done to fix it. My personal hope is that one of those will be that this absolute win by the Republican party and Trump in particular will be the the ax that takes down the Democratic party and allows us to build a new one in its place. But that’s kind of a pipe dream I think. Old dogs die hard. Plus there’s nobody out there who wants to step up and push the Democratic party out of the way. Bernie would be the obvious choice but he doesn’t seem interested in taking leadership role in a brand new party to oust the old one.

          • Bernie is too old. His time has passed. Some point to AOC. But I’m not feeling it really. Who knows though. Trump sort of came out of nowhere and took over the republican party.