• @postmateDumbass@lemmy.world
    24 months ago

    The better technology gets, the better the oppression and suppression will get, the worse it will be before people revolt, eventually they will be too feeble to revolt effectively.

    Where do you think we are in that progression?

    • @Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      Maybe, maybe not. There’s no way to predict what direction technology will go with certainty.

      It could be the case that it eventually becomes impossible to revolt due to technology being insurmountable. Maybe it won’t be the case.

      But what is certain is that people will revolt in mass if they have their backs against the wall and nothing to lose. And we’ve been circling the drain on that.

    • @FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      The better the control systems get, the better will get the working class at circumventing them. Remember that those who write and compile the codes used to keep us in check are also part of the working class. There’s always space for a backdoor or an exploit in all codes, one just have to learn how to use them to return to an unknown status.

      There is no thing like a people too feeble to revolt. A people who cannot revolt is a people who cannot work nor produce (see every dictatorship in the world, they are surviving but they are not thriving nor innovating anything. The best they can do is copy [China] or using old technologies [Russia, North Korea, Iran]). If the elites want to have their iPhone 20 or their self-driving cars they need us to be productive, and with that comes a certain degree of freedom which entails a degree of risk for their health and lives