Too much stuff just doesn’t add up to me.

  1. His family is very rich. They own at least one country club, possibly multiple, and he graduated from an Ivy League school. The wealthy class have phenomenal healthcare in the US so why would anyone rich want to whack a healthcare CEO?
  2. Why would any intelligent killer keep the murder weapon, the jacket he was wearing, the fake ID he used near the scene, and a manifesto on his person a week later? How incredibly convenient for the pigs to find.
  3. Why would any intelligent killer, with a wealthy family, be out in public at a McDonald’s less than a week later, and not lying low on family property somewhere for months?
  4. Why does Luigi have such an obvious digital footprint when the Adjuster planned so well? In less than a day the media dug up stuff like his Goodreads account.
  5. Why do the photos the NYPD released look like at least 2 different men?
  6. Why did a grand jury indict Luigi so fast?

I think the real Adjuster is still out there and the pigs are absolutely desperate to have a “solved” class warfare incident. Luigi is either a plant or he’s unlucky to have been nearby, doing “Suspicious Stuff”, and is being framed with plenty of planted evidence.

Edit: Luigi claimed in his bail hearing that he had no clue where the $8,000 in cash he was “arrested with” came from and suggested it was planted on him. The prosecutors used it to deny him bail on the basis that he was “evading authorities”. The pigs also claimed he had an additional $2000 in “foreign currency” on him, and that to me sounds like an obvious lie or plant to make him look like he intended to leave the country and get his bail denied

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    63 months ago

    So the NYPD planted the fake IDs, wrote a manifesto, and snatched this random guy, who had a clear motivation based on his own posting history? A guy who just happened to go off grid for several months before getting randomly picked up by the cops at a McDonald’s? A guy that friends were worried about because he stopped communicating with them? Just got this incredible golden goose right out of the clear blue sky, and reported by a guy working at the McDonalds. Was the McDonalds worker actually an undercover NYPD officer or something?

    The NYPD is either highly militarized, trained by the IDF in both surveillance and urban combat, operate outside the law using unconstitutional technology and techniques, are the 8th largest standing army in the world, operate in a city with the highest number of CCTV cameras in the US, or they are all the Springfield Police Department operated by Chief Wiggum and his band of merry men.

    The reality is, whether you like it or not, is that A) the public aided in capturing this guy and only the terminally online were projecting themselves onto him, and B) The NYPD is more capable than you would like to admit, which frankly is a bad assumption to make.

    Listen, I get that we all want a new John Brown for a modern age, but this guy isn’t him. You can have a good plan that has no long-term exit strategy. You can have a long-term exit strategy that falls apart after trying to come to terms with what you just did. If anything, playing up the idea that this guy was some methodical mastermind only plays into the NYPDs position that he is a methodical mastermind. It is very likely the NYPD will attempt to plant evidence on him to make him live up to the larger than life image the country and media projected onto him because it only makes the NYPD look better. The nation couldn’t track down Ted Kaczynski for months in the 90s, and here is the brave and violent NYPD catching Kaczynski’s disciple in just over a week.

    Ultimately, he performed the most brazen act of propaganda of the deed in well over 100 years in this country. He exposed a commonality that crosses the ideological borders of the left, and right within the working class, even if accidentally. Recent history shows us that rightists are far more likely to take direct action against a perceived enemy than leftists. This guy is clearly a center right liberal with a real personal grudge against the medical industry. His reading intake was nothing but descriptions of symptoms with no real conclusions. The book referenced by the casings is not an anti-capitalist book, and it explicitly states it’s not anti-insurance either. It’s a manifesto for more federal regulations, ignoring all contradictions that exist outside the industry that leads to it operating the way it does. It has no actual concrete plan on “what you can do about it”, despite the subtitle. Unless “you” are some regulatory golden goose who can live outside the contradictions of capitalism. It summarizes perfectly this guy’s center right liberal perspective. It’s like killing a CEO and writing “Disappointment”, “Interest”, and “Money” on the shell casings as a reference to John Keynes.

    • Dessalines
      3 months ago

      who had a clear motivation based on his own posting history?

      You are looking at one person. There were probably thousands of tips, and dozens of candidates they could pick from. If they were to show you all the other likely candidates, I doubt it would seem as clear to you.

      To me its much easier to assume that evidence was planted or made to fit, rather believing the NYPD that he happened to be carrying a bunch of incriminating items but ultimately nothing that links him to the scene, on his person.

      Just got this incredible golden goose right out of the clear blue sky, and reported by a guy working at the McDonalds. Was the McDonalds worker actually an undercover NYPD officer or something?

      I agree that sounds too good to be true, which is probably why it isn’t. There were probably thousands of these type of tips.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        3 months ago

        It could literally be me and I dress exactly as that guy right now. If I were to put on a nice smile in my current outfit they could literally have bagged me, planted evidence on me and the same exact thing would be happening. Only thing missing is that I was at work when it happened.

        If anything the outfit he chose was pretty perfect for getting a deluge of false tips.