• @DarkFuture@lemmy.world
    263 months ago

    If they had integrity, they wouldn’t be Republicans.

    Time for the other side to start playing dirty. It’s the only way to win when your opponent is dirty.

    Americans are stupid. Democrats should start running a fear campaign now. It’s worked for Republicans for decades. Doesn’t matter if the fear is real or fabricated. Americans will believe it and vote.

    • They don’t need to fabricate one. Republicans voted to kill the majority of humanity. And while we watch for a couple of generations to await that death, they voted to raise prices on the lower and middle class, deny healthcare, reduce regulations protecting wildlife/water sources, personal freedoms/civil liberties, and further destabilize relations with our trading partners who we rely on for things like food.

      If you like food, breathing, fresh water, or the future of humanity - you shouldn’t like the Republican platform.

      That doesn’t say the Democrats platform doesn’t have overlap.